Acknowledge others’ help

November 11, 2013 | 7 comments


“No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others. The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.”

~ Author Unknown

It’s proverbial that we build on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. It’s essential that we acknowledge the accomplishments of those who have gone before us and enabled us to make progress today.

Is there someone you owe a debt of gratitude to?



7 thoughts on “Acknowledge others’ help”

  1. This is the last day of 2 weeks in China w daughter, traveling & visiting with her son. Both planned the activities & arrangements in the most exquisite manner. Plus my daughter looked after me, really became my mother in the taking care department.

    How can they possibly know the depth of my gratitude??

  2. Would I be and feel free with joy and happeness without the unselfish help of my Nurse Aides as listed; Gaitree Ramcharitar, Tazulia Michel, Indrani Sing, Micheline Laguerre. These Aides are in the same category of dedication as Mother Teresa and I am proud and deeply grateful that I can mention their names, for they are as close to manifesting their worth as true reflections of what God has produced.

  3. I have many I wish to acknowledge in deep gratitude. Mary Baker Eddy is probably number one. My teacher, Thomas Hurley, CSB; both of these thinkers had enormous courage and deep love. I’m grateful for the many practitioners who have guided me over the years. I’m grateful to you Evan dear for your unselfish giving and teaching. I’ll always remember you’re anecdote regarding your approach to writing for your Blog or the periodicals: ‘Time to write’….echoes still, I love this 🙂 it inspired me too……..[I just have to learn ‘brevity’ 🙂 ]

    Have a lovely holiday today, loving best to the family also.

  4. Yes, You Evan, for bringing me back to the wonderful love of Christian Science and providing the tender love by your prayers for me when I was struggling to overcome the material belief I was under in 2009.

    Thanks for your Class Instruction, each years meeting and your continued support of your students.

  5. I have to admit that it was only the previous year that I was able to recognize to be grateful to every Christian Scientist including natural Christian Scientists who acknowledge Truth every moment. I recognized I am one of those being benefited. Each time the ‘Daily Prayer’ is prayed wherein one’s consciousness is one with Christ not only to govern himself or herself but includes all mankind is way out of being personal in gratitude. In this kind of gratitude it is purely spiritual and to Immortal Mind or God alone as acknowledged individually. And of course when a musician is acknowledged for its harmonious rendition even the composer of that piece and all who in one way or the other made the occasion a success is recognized and gratified as ONE. So I thank you all!

  6. My gratitude would go out to my dog, Barkley . He taught me so many lessons of love, unselfishness, patience, kindness, friendship, sadly few people have touched me quite as deeply as Barkley did. His sole bark restored my faith in God’s presence. I have great love for my daughter and practitioner who have always shown love and kindness and I always try my best to show each my love and appreciation for them.

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