Defense from disease

November 12, 2013 | 15 comments

It is an axiom in Christian Science that if a belief cannot get into your thought, it cannot get into your body. So, active students of Christian Science strive diligently to keep their thought free of disease beliefs in order to defend their health and body from conditions they don’t want to feel.

Speaking from experience, it is demanding to do this successfully! But it must be done.

One of the most frequent questions I get is from people wondering how to keep their thinking clear when people around them constantly talk about disease, describe their latest medical procedure in pictorial detail, and would build up fears about catching the latest illness making the rounds.

It helps me to remember that I have control over what I accept as true. Just because someone else fears a disease, doesn’t mean I have to. To not fear is a choice I make based upon my understanding of God’s ever-present care and protection. And it enables me to love my neighbor back, rather than dreading their comments about health concerns.

The real issue is not about what other people talk about. It’s about what we accept as true and agree with.

If we do our job when other people voice fears that we don’t want to harbor, it actually can make us better and stronger metaphysicians, because it requires us to figure out what the spiritual truth is and then apply it to the situation at hand. That will bless us and the other person. It heals!

God did not create us to be mental sponges that soak in whatever mortal mind tosses our way. God created us a ray of light to reflect the truth everywhere we go!

Don’t be a sponge. Be a ray of light, and shine for all to see! That solves the issue of worrying about what other people talk about.

15 thoughts on “Defense from disease”

  1. THANK YOU! this has addressed a problem I have trouble dealing with every single day…this short article has given me a whole new take on a long standing problem

  2. Thank you Evan. This is so important and timely. Living in a retirement community, the topic of the day is usually disease related. I think I’m standing porter at the door of my thought but get lazy sometimes. Your blog remind me that rather than discuss the needed injections for the disease of the day I’ll be ready to inject the positive Truth of my being. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Thank you Evan for this succinct and clear explanation of being a ray shedding light , not a sponge soaking up darkness … Really helpful:)

  4. Wow !
    This text was awesome, really a “pull of my ears” !
    I´m NOT a mental sponge but a ray of light, that was an inspiring lift.
    Thank you. Evan !!

  5. Thank you Evan for talking about this topic because I do need help on this. Of all the affirming and denial of error I do, I am suffering from Diabetes, Prostititus, very bad Dry Eyes and many more in the last 4 to 5 years. I became interested in C/S back in 1963 and had pretty good success with it. I am more dedicated to it in recent years since obtaining an I-PAD. I don’t know what else I can do. I am 77 years old and surrounded by 7 Nurse Aides 24/7 talking without a moments stop about diseases. They all know of my C/S affiliation.

    1. Hi Tobias,

      Keep demonstrating the Mind of Christ which has no room for disease-beliefs, fears or errors that don’t belong to you! It is natural and normal for you to think and understand healing spiritual truths.

    1. Yep, we can address that situation too! I’ll be thinking on it. In the meantime, the truth that already resides in you as a child of God is bigger than any error that tries to gain entry. Truth kicks it right back out again! You might think it’s “gotten in,” but it hasn’t.

  6. I love this! Thank you so much Evan! These healing words have brought freedom and comfort just when I needed them! A ray of light and not a sponge…wonderful!

  7. Enjoyed reading all the comments and your feedback Evan. “This little light if mine, I’m going to let it shine” or keeping trying my best too!

  8. Thank you so much for this article Evan. I have been struggling in the last month with the quantity of medical information that friends, family, and acquaintances want to share/involve me with. I would love to help them all but it does seem to become increasingly difficult to not soak up the fear; I even found myself googling a medical condition about 10 minutes before finding your article – the timing was perfect!

    I am going to print out your article and stick it where I can read it every day as a reminder to keep my thoughts on what I know to be true. Thanks you!

  9. Thank you Evan and everyone for this lesson for us all! I remember once that where I worked there was a precious woman who constantly bombarded me with tedious details of disease and what one may call “organ recitals”….it got to the point that I dreaded seeing her. She was about to face a very challenging situation concerning a relative being released from prison and living near her. I tried to express to her how this person was God’s child and there was no doubt at all that God would be and is right there with her always protecting her and loving her….and her relative. One day, after she told me again about her fear of this person’s return, she half way stated…”Well, God will be with me…” I said quickly back, yes…..and now BELIEVE that…..”
    Later, I realized that each time she shared her “disease thoughts” ~ when I would always try to think of the truth of my being, her being, and that we were both loved and protected and free…I needed to BELIEVE that and to love her. Not long afterward, she stopped sharing her “disease thoughts” — sometimes would start to and then stop….and her relative came home from prison and she has loved this person and has released any fear she had….all is well with her and she is now one of my dearest friends….I truly love her and enjoy being around her.

  10. Thank you for this, it is something to ponder and work through.
    I second Pam’s request for an “oops I let a disease thought in and seemingly have that disease. Now what?” blog 🙂

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