Malala Yousafzai

November 13, 2013 | 6 comments

This 16 year old now world-famous girl, Malala Yousafzai from Pakistan, has exceptional courage and conviction. Her fearlessness, faith and vision are inspiring to hear, and can leave you a bit awe-struck at times.

Although this aired about a month ago, the first few minutes before the ad break are well worth watching.

6 thoughts on “Malala Yousafzai”

  1. Thanks for sharing this Evan. Her courage and Christly nature are such an inspiration. Have been praying for her and all who are affected by terrorism. We know God is All and that “the Gabriel of His presence has no contests.” (Science and Health, pg. 567) The beliefs of the necessity to terrorize has to fall if we stick to the facts.

  2. It is hard to believe she is so young. She speaks with such conviction, maturity and grace. I am amazed at her lack of fear and courage. Education is the key to her core. Here in the U.S. our children have all the advantages she dreams of for others yet our children don’t respect what is offered. We need to instill in our children this thirst for knowledge and service. We also must promote and instill resolutions of love, and peace. Our country is very angry and no one wants to listen to any opposing side. We need to be more loving and tolerant of each other. This can only come through love and education. We need to flood the field with more love and light.

  3. Malala Yousafzai is the most inspiring individuals ever in human history and I hope that those belonging to the Talibond are so ashamed of what they have done. She is the living proof that Truth and not violence is the way to go. She is Liberty personified in all it’s glory. Thank you Evan for this wonderful post. I have bookmarked it so as to watch it again and again.

  4. Thanks for posting this! I was so impressed with her, especially when she said if she hit the Taliban attacker with her shoe, she would be no better than he. What an awesome person!

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