Love Keeps no Record of Wrong

November 6, 2014 | 11 comments

Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way.
It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.

~ I Corinthians, 13:4, 5, NLT

The Mind of Love looks for the good, finds the good and publicly acknowledges it! The way of Love is the route to happiness and good relations with others. Love is the oil that keeps the machinery of family, staff and community running smoothly.

11 thoughts on “Love Keeps no Record of Wrong”

  1. Gracias Evan, siento que esta gran verdad, es el motivo y el impulso, que nos atrae a tener “esa mente que hubo en Cristo Jesús, hacer con los demás lo que quisiéramos que ellos hicieran con nosotros”, entonces la Ley del amor que circula cambia todo, revela la gran verdad de la omnipresencia del Padre.

    1. Thanks Monica! I don’t read Spanish, so I translated what you wrote above using Google Translate and got the following. Thought I’d share for the benefit of others:

      Thanks Evan, I feel that this great truth, is the reason and the impulse that draws us to have “the mind that was in Christ Jesus, do to others what you would have them do unto us” then the law of love circulates changes everything, reveals the great truth of the omnipresence of the Father.

  2. Another great post!! And thank you Brian for being so clever and thoughtful! And Spiritfan ! Very cool analogy! What a great way to start the day 😉

  3. There is two kinds of law. Spiritual Law which blesses and material law which hides under and misinterprets Spiritual Law making it seem to bless but destroys at best.

    1. There is only one Law and it is God’s law! What appears as material law is the serpent talking. It has no authority, no power, no life. The deception is subtle and erroneous, which is why Mrs Eddy admonishes us to “watch.” What appears as material law has NO power or ability to destroy. Period.

    2. There may appear to be two kinds of law to the human mind, but there is one law over all–God’s law. My understanding is, that what appears to be material law is but temporal belief, and it inevitably yields to God’s higher laws of Mind. Much love.

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