A weekly subscription option for SpiritView

August 9, 2023 | 97 comments

SpiritView has a new subscriber option you may be interested in.

If you are a current subscriber to SpiritView, you receive an email notice every day there is a new posting on SpiritView.

If you like to read SpiritView, but prefer to receive fewer email notifications, you can now choose a “Weekly” option, where you receive one email a week, rather than five. The weekly email comes out Saturday morning and includes links to all posts written the previous five days.

To switch from a daily email to a weekly email, UNSUBSCRIBE from the email you currently receive, then go to www.spiritview.net, enter your email in the SUBSCRIBE box in the right sidebar, and choose, “SpiritView (weekly).”

If you are not a subscriber, but would like to subscribe, go to www.spiritview.net and look for the SUBSCRIBE box in the right sidebar. Enter your email, then choose “SpiritView” to receive daily emails, or “SpiritView (weekly),” to receive one email per week.

It’s a joy to have you as a reader!

97 thoughts on “A weekly subscription option for SpiritView”

  1. Thank you for the weekly option, Evan. I look forward to my DAILY dose of SpiritView inspiration so the weekly option is not for me. I could never receive too many emails from you. That would not be possible. Keep ‘em coming every day. They are a blessing, as are you. Thank you! ❤️

    1. I am totally with Cheryl on this one. I need and look forward to my daily dose. So grateful Evan for the support and help you give us. X

      1. Thank you so much for your wonderful website & Daily posts. They are usually the first Gmail I read. I am most grateful to you . Please no changes !!

          1. INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL for these DAILY Spirit Views! Always meet a need and I am able to share them often with Family and Friends…CS and Non-CS! Keep me DAILY! Thank You for your love and dedication in providing this for all of us!

    2. Totally agree – the one thing I never miss /delete every morning is SV – look forward to my daily inspiration – keep ‘em coming Evan !

    3. I am very grateful for these daily inspirations! Thank you so very much. This site is truly a blessing.❤️

  2. Too many times to count, your daily message is what I needed that day and I look for it each and every morning, so a weekly email will not work for me! :-). Thank you for all the inspiration you send!

    1. Why not both?☺️

      Daily Bread
      Weekly Recapitultulation

      A Win, Win!

      Thank you so much Evan, for this added blessing to a basket already full!❤️

  3. I look forward to your daily emails every day. Please keep my subscription the same. Thank you for all of your ideas and posts.

  4. As so many others have stated, your email is the first one I open every day! I am SO grateful for the inspiration and blessings you share with us. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!❤️❤️

    1. ((( of course I am just joking a bit! It’s a perfect time to say how ***Truly THANKFUL*** I am for you and ALL of your contributors Evan! I need to tell YOU that at least twice daily! 🙂 )))

  5. Indeed, I so appreciate the daily uplifting inspirational message.

    Thank you Evan and staff!!!!

    I also appreciate all the comments shared here they are so helpful, thanks to all who share their own inspiration, so needed.

  6. So agree with all above !! First email i look forward to everyday and then send to my children and others ❤️

  7. Ditto what everyone else has said. Your messages are the first thing I read in the morning and reread as the last thing I read before I go to sleep. Thank you Even for all you do as it is all so very much appreciated.

  8. We eat every day to sustain us.
    SpiritView is deliciously snd
    beautifully served during the
    week, spiritual food, sustaining,
    uplifting, nourishing.
    SpiritView has put worldwide
    friends in our lives. It is a pleasure
    to share the spiritual bounty.
    THANKS Evan. THANKS everyone.

  9. Am very very grateful to you for your daily spiritual views, dear Evan and I tune into Cindy; we all love you a lot for your healing and loving inspirations ! ♡

  10. Good Morning! I am so grateful for the daily inspiration, Evan. I look forward to reading it first thing in the morning along with the Quarterly Bible Lesson. Frequently, (actually always) it touches on a subject I’m already praying about. Yes, keep me as a daily subscriber. With thanks!

  11. Well, I agree with all the above. Evan you are in our hearts daily providing the message that is so needed for a lovely, harmonious day. I hope you feel all the love in our comments today.
    Thank you so much!

    1. Did we say we wanted to change things? I don’t think so. I look forward to SpiritView Monday-Friday and often go back and reread previous SpiritViews. And the way I look at it they’re a treatment each day! Also just a reminder that we can make a donation on this site to SpiritView anytime we want to❣️

      1. That’s such a good idea ! Evan , is there a donation button ? Please make it accessible ffor UK payment – we need to show our gratitude in more ways than words .

  12. Well, there’s nothing to add to all the above!
    Personally I don’t read Spirit View via e-mail but go to the website for all the love and inspiration that you shower down on us all .
    Perhaps I could also add here that I so appreciate also that when you go on visits and holidays with Kathy , sharing your pictures, thoughts, happiness and inspiration is so heart warming and kind.
    Thank you so much Evan for all you do and share❣️

  13. I agree with all the others have said. This daily inspiration is much appreciated, something I look forward to each morning. Thank you, Evan

  14. It’s a true joy to see your inspiring daily message greet me each morning. Such a concise way to help keep my thought in the right direction. I’m deeply grateful to receive these 5 days a week. Many thanks!

  15. Thank you for the option, but I too love my daily “vitamin” of spiritual uplift for my spiritual clarity for the day! Much gratitude to you and your spiritual thoughts/knowings shared with all of us.

    1. Wendy, I love the idea of daily “vitamin S,” SpiritView. Like BarbaraUK I often go straight to the website and not through the email, to partake of the day’s treatment and to look back at previous days. Thank you much Evan and thank you Sheila B. for the reminder about donating to the upkeep of SV, just click on ABOUT and scroll down to the Contribute button.

      1. Thank you Rose for the reminder and place where to find DONATE. I knew about the option to do so but didn’t seek it out.. ABOUT and scroll down to find it. Perhaps Evan can make another heading under the menu for donate for easy find….just saying!!!

  16. I also love the daily emails with spiritual messages needed for that day!

    Thank you Evan for all the love you show us coming directly from God!

  17. I have often felt overwhelmed with gratitude for your heartfelt, selfless and no doubt extremely time-consuming act of freely giving. Thankful to find here at Spiritview my grace for the day, feeding the famished affections. As so many others have stated, oftentimes, thanks to your morning offerings, I have been able to work out my challenges just by meditating on the message here. I’ve even searched prior subjects here and found instant relief. I may add that reading other’s comments is also extremely healing in the sense that I don’t feel alone in my struggle. In abundant appreciation, I thank you wholeheartedly.

  18. Wow! What an overwhelming response! I LOVE the daily messages
    and peeks into Spiritual Views as shared by you and all these fellow
    Viewers!! I cherish all of the time and Love you put into each and
    every View, Evan. Thank you So Very Much. I keep coming to the site
    during the day for more and more inspiration. I love the sharing …
    With Love to All!

  19. Thank you Evan for providing us with daily spirit view inspiration and guidance articles & teachings. We are indeed truly blessed! Would definitely love to keep this going!

  20. I am so grateful for the daily emails…first thing I read every day. Thank you for all you share!!❤️

  21. So often The Daily Lift is needed at that exact time. I definitely look forward to it every day! Thank you.

  22. Evan , please keep me on as a daily subscriber. I love the daily read and would greatly miss the spiritual uplift I currently experience with SpiritView every morning.
    Thank you so much for devoting your life to the healing practice of Christian Science.

  23. Your blog is the first thing I read every morning! Thank you so much for all the tremendously inspiring ideas. They almost always meet a daily need..❤️

  24. I have nothing more to add to the beautiful outpouring of love and appreciation for our daily SpiritViews.
    It is, indeed, a feast of Spirit shared with Dear Friends from around the world. It’s part of my daily practice to delve into the subject which you present, Evan, and carry on my morning meal with my fellow SpiritViewers who provide such beautiful inspiration and “food for thought!”
    We’re continuing the Light of The morning meal daily, the one Mrs.Eddy referenced ~ when our Savior met his disciples on the seaside. I for one would love to continue feasting together! And thank you, Evan, for your precious offering..

  25. I too love SpiritView and appreciate how Evan’s topics address all kinds of issues. Each week day is a wonderful gift of spiritual inspiration that positively impacts and uplifts thought . 🙂 Thank you Evan for SpiritView and all that you do! 🙂

  26. Dear Evan,
    You must have had a reason to offer this option
    but I will stay with your “daily bread.”
    I skim my News email but I read every word
    of yours.
    Thanks so much to you and all your commenters.
    Carol B.

  27. Dear Evan,
    You must have had a reason to offer this option
    but I will stay with your “daily bread.”
    I skim my News email but I read every word
    of yours.
    Thanks so much to you and all your commenters.

  28. Thank you everyone! I didn’t expect such a huge response! The daily option is certainly going to remain. For sure!

    Thank you for your kind and generous comments. They are so supportive and heartwarming, It’s a joy to be part of this community of thoughtful and inspired spiritual thinkers and doers. Love to you all.

    1. Why not both?☺️

      Daily Bread
      Weekly Recapitultulation

      A Win, Win!
      I’m all signed up!
      Thank you so much Evan, for this added blessing to a basket already full and overflowing! ❤️

  29. Day by day the manna fell;
    O, to learn this lesson well.
    Still by constant mercy fed,
    Give me, Lord, my daily bread.

    Day by day the promise reads,
    Daily strength for daily needs:
    Cast foreboding fears away;
    Take the manna of today.

    From Hymn 463

  30. Thank you, Evan. It’s a joy to read your daily inspiration and I wouldn’t change a thing. So very grateful that a friend told me about your blog several years ago.

  31. Thank you Sheila B for reminding us about donating to Spirit View A loving way to express our gratitude

  32. Hello Evan, I love getting your daily inspirations! I may not comment often but my gratitude is daily. You are amazing! Daily is my vote!

  33. I so look forward each day to SpiritView! It too inspires, uplifts my thoughts for the day and brings a needed sense of peace. I would be grateful, as others have expressed, to have SpiritView continue daily, advance. So much love and healing expressed in your daily message.

  34. I so look forward each day to SpiritView! It too inspires, uplifts my thoughts for the day and brings a needed sense of peace. I would be grateful, as others have expressed, to have SpiritView continue daily, So much love and healing expressed in your daily message.

  35. Thank you for the daily , I tried to send a donation a couple of times as I too appreciate you giving so much love to us,.

  36. Like so many others here, this is the first thing I read each weekday morning. Thank you so much for the blessing of SpiritView. I love the daily inspiration with the listing of previous posts.

  37. Thank you all, I agree with all your comments.
    Spirit View is part of my daily spiritual breakfast along with the daily lift and the weekly Bible Lesson. And it leads to more study. I love the daily Love and treatments and discussions on the very pertinent topics you share with us Evan.
    Many times I go back through the archives later in the day and on the weekend to catch additional comments.

  38. Wow! Overwhelmingly the choice is for the daily wonderful inspirations you provide, Evan. Daily for me, too.
    Love and thanks,

  39. For all the reasons I’ve read above I am totally on board with a daily SpiritView. But Dorothy you make a good point to which I’ll give some thought. And lastly….My deepest thanks and much appreciation to you Evan.

  40. I agree with all the above comments. I love having the gift you give us every day, Evan. Even if there are times I don’t get to read it first thing, having it in my email every day allows me to go to it later or the next day for the inspiration you and all your commenters share. Thank you all for that.

  41. First thing I read every AM when I turn on my computer. I’m staying with your daily start my day off right.

  42. I am not in favor of going on a diet from beloved Spiritview! It is my daily God’s gift
    of love via Evan. I feast on it several times in one day. Thank you, dear Evan

  43. hi Evan thank you very much for SpiritView! I too love the daily emails! Evan, you are a God send!! I have shared SpiritView with my grand and great grand children!
    Love and more love to your generosity,
    Lynda and Bob
    Bakersfield California

  44. I enjoy and am so grateful for the Spiritview Blog . To make it easy, I just set it as my HOME page so that is the first thing I see when I open the computer/internet. Thanks to all of the “honest seekers for Truth.”

  45. I agree with all the above, and as GAnn said:
    Love the daily inspiration! The world needs it. I need it. Thank you Evan.

  46. Dear Evan. More than once I have had gray days until I read the spiritview of the day and found the sweet and soft response that calmed the storm. So I will continue to consume daily this bread that elevates us to celestial regions. Infinitely Grateful. Hug in Christ for you and all those who in one way or another participate and nourish this spiritual breakfast.

  47. Dear Evan
    My sister and I get so much from your Daily Lift and she very often reads out what you have written in our testimony meetings as they are all so helpful. I do often think it might be a big thing for you to do this every single day so if you ever feel as if you need some time out from this commitment Im SURE we would all understand. Your Daily Lift lifts SO many people each day across the world.

  48. Evan sir. Really a doze of Divine Love daily nourishes us. So no changes. Daily need of spiritual insight from you. A great blessing from God.

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