Fill with spiritual food

March 7, 2024 | 23 comments

What should I eat? Is a question many people wrestle with when making food choices.

If you want to eat food that is good for you; food that will keep you healthy and fit and in the best shape possible, be sure to fill up with spiritual food.

Spiritual food is spiritual inspiration coming from God that keeps your thought in a heavenly place.

Truth, love, morality, spirituality, generosity, goodwill, gratitude, and their kin, nourish thought with heavenly inspiration, and keep the body it governs in healthy shape too.

As Jesus Christ taught, “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4, NLT).

The “word of God,” is spiritual truth.

Fill up on spiritual truth today for the best eating experience possible.

23 thoughts on “Fill with spiritual food”

  1. Yes, the Word of God is our daily bread which we take in every morning richly, when studying the weekly Bible lesson, the spiritual Truth!
    I am very grateful for the wonderful weekly Bible lesson, when studied thoroughly it is a source of strength and healing and comfort!

    Thank you very much, dear Evan for your daily spiritual delicious food, giving us very lovingly. ♡

  2. In this week’s Bible lesson we have this beautiful statement about nutriment, or what sustains us.
    “The poor suffering heart needs its rightful nutriment, such as peace, patience In tribulation, and a priceless sense of the dear Father’s loving-kindness.” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 365). What a wonderful nourishment for the children of God! Thanks, Evan, for your spiritual topics that arrive in our inboxes all week and bring such joy and food for thought! 🙂

  3. In Mrs. Eddy’s Hymn, “Blest Christmas Morn” she refers to the infant
    Jesus, who is to demonstrate the Christ sent to us from our Father, as
    “thou gentle beam of living Love and deathless Life” and then
    it ends – “Fill us today with all thou art; . Be thouu our saint and stay
    alway”. So as we pray to be filled with that “gentle beam of llving love and
    deathless life”, that will satisfy our spiritual hunger and keep us well fed.

    1. Thank you Maggie for putting the lines in a new and meaningful order. I hadn’t made that connection before.

      1. This same thought from this hymn was voiced by a fellow church member at a corporate meeting. In the strip mall where we have our Reading Room an adjacent church runs a food bank on Saturday mornings. Although we rarely get visitors we open the reading room and take the time to pray for our community. We also pray with “Fed by Thy love divine we live, For Love alone is Life” from Mary Baker Eddy’s hymn “Love”.

  4. I had a sudden mental image of a momma bird stuffing a repeated, juicy worm down her baby bird’s throat when I read this verse.
    “People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”
    Standing strong in patient anticipation, the mouth of my heart is open wide, head of understanding leaned straight back. Always eager to receive your word, you fill me up with neither too much nor too little. My daily bread. Delicious. My appetite is constant, but, I remain satisfied. Thank you Father.

  5. Thank you Evan for today’s SV!
    Thank you Maggie for Mrs. Eddies wonderful hymn Christmas Morn, so inspiring.
    Thank you Love and Grace for your good comments.

  6. Hum Evan this soup looks delicious! Can I taste it!
    So this morning I always remember the source of all good and supply, “It comes from the Lord “.Thanks Evan and SV , for bringing at the table each and every day this Spiritual supply.

  7. What a heavenly breakfast this morning’s meal of Spiritual fulfillment
    shares with us. Thank you Evan and Alll.
    The Daily Thought coincides with this maintenance of Truth which
    generates our rightful thinking where it says, “Create in me a clean
    heart, O God; and renew a right Spirit within me . . . . Restore unto
    me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit.” Lovely
    food for thought.
    Paul said, “To be spiritually minded is life”. These higher proofs of God’s
    sustenance give us the inspiration and spiritual food that we need.

    1. Hi Angel, so glad you mentioned those lovely verses from this week’s Bible Lesson, they are the EXACT ones that struck me very strongly as I listened to the phone recording of the lesson last evening (that shows the One Mind in action) I replayed that section over and over (beginning of Section 3). The words Renew, Restore and Uphold are just what I need. These are the “words that come from the mouth of God” that feed us.

      I think that when we are filled up with right thoughts and heavenly truths the stress, concerns and overthinking about what to eat will just naturally drop away and we will be intuitively drawn towards the right foods in the right amounts.

      Sending Love to all our dear SV community.

      1. Hi Rose.. I love when One Mind works like that!!!… Hearing or reading
        the Truth definitely does fill us with what we need to know and does send
        thought higher, away from stress, concerns and overthinking (mortally).
        What a feast of Spirit is that! Where Truth is revealed – the best place
        to hold thought.
        : )

  8. Thanks to all for your thoughtful comments. One thought I’ve
    always cherished was that it was what comes out of the mouth,
    not what goes into it that defileth a man.

    1. A great thought, Lori, Thank you. It reminds me of something Larry King
      had once said, apparently:
      “I remind myself every morning. Nothing I say this day will teach me
      anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by Listening”.
      We need to distinguish between lies and the Truth. Experience makes
      it easier and easier to do this. And of course we know … there is Only
      Truth, because lies are not true.

  9. Thank you Evan. Thank you all for your insightful contributions. Jesus said, I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will never be hungry. Real food is spiritual.

  10. O do not bar your mind against the light of good; But ooen wide, let in the Word, and Truth will be your food. (hymn 201). X

      1. I just tried again, dear J and I had to open with the one Free article button
        to read in it’s entirety. It is a great article and thank you so much for sharing.

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