Know who you are

July 17, 2024 | 22 comments

If praying for the healing of physical ailment, it helps to remember that from a spiritual point of view, you are not a sick mortal trying to get better.  You are a healthy immortal reflecting spiritual Truth.  

Focus on your reality with God in Spirit.  What you see and understand to be true in Spirit, in turn, dissolves what appears to be real in matter, but is no part of God’s plan for you.

22 thoughts on “Know who you are”

  1. Thank you Evan for clearly making this divide / separation, & the directive to stay iwith Spiriitual reality!. – The eternal, immortal Truth of being! “Entirely separate from the belief & dream of material living, is the Life divine, revealing spiritual understanding & the consciousness of man’s dominion over the whole earth. This understanding casts out error & heals the sick, & with it you can speak “ as one having authority.” ( S&H 14: 25)

  2. Gracias Profesor Evans . Estaba buscando un pensamiento inspirador para comenzar mi trabajo de oración y como siempre El Padre ya envió lo que precisaba. Y me siento bendecida!
    Ramona Esther Nuñez -Brasil

    1. Muchas gracias Ramona!
      Could anyone translate this into English, please?

      Thanks very very much for today’s Truth, you sent us, dear Evan!♡
      It lifted my thoughts up into divine Truth this morning which I needed so much. Am just studying the lesson on LIFE. And I am utmost grateful to have the divine tools (lesson sermon, Mrs. Eddy’s literature and very important, The Bible) to demonstrate Truth which shifts our thoughts to the healing Christ!♡

    2. July 17, 2024 at 3:16 am

      Thank you Professor Evans. I was looking for an inspiring thought to begin my prayer work and as always The Father already sent what he needed. And I feel blessed!
      Ramona Esther Nuñez -Brazil

      Your prayers, answered, with the inspiration we all need today. Protected, Loved, surrounded by the Truth, elevating each one of us closer to what God needs us all to pray today, for freedom, LOVE, Love, love. . . . .

  3. Thank you, Evan. I love this.!!. “Wholly apart from this mortal dream this illusion and delusion of sense, Christian Science comes to reveal msn as God’s image, coexistent with Him- God giving all and man having all that God gives .”My. Page 5

  4. Here is Esther Nunez’s from Brazil translation of her response

    Thank you Professor Evans,
    I was looking for an inspired thought to begin my prayer work and how God always sends me exactly what I need. I feel very blessed.

  5. Thank you Evan, breaking thru the illusion is key. Error tries so hard to keep this from happening. We Know Better as We Know the Truth! Thanks for always remindimg us of this!!

  6. “You can never demonstrate spirituality until you declare yourself immortal and understand that you are so” Mary Baker Eddy, My 242

  7. Yes – we are all children of God, regardless of what anyone would say or try to have
    us believe. The Truth sets us free. Sometimes the Reality is not understood or realized,
    “mortally”, but through the lens of God/Mind’s spiritual perception – we are all seen as we
    really are – reflections of God in Spirit/Love.

  8. “Materiality and Personality. Believing that one is some kind of person with an existence separate from God. Mary Baker Eddy said, “There is no personality, and this is more important to know than that there is no disease.” Each individual is the image of divine Principle. And Principle is not some kind of personal entity.” Excerpt from:

    “Spiritual healing: a conversation with Geoffrey Barratt By Jeffrey Hildner with contributions from Geoffrey Barratt”:

  9. Thanks so much Evan—just what I needed to read today! Y muchas gracias, Ramona, por tu mensaje graciousa! Hablo espanol y estudie al Portuguese tambien. Truth is God’s language for us all! Lo verdadero habla a todos

  10. “32 – WATCH lest, in your denial of the existence of matter, you accept the impression that you are denying something that exists externally to you. The term matter covers not what you see, but the way you see it. In denying matter you are really denying the way mortal mind sees the true heaven and earth, that already exist here and now in all their perfection. You will surely see this perfection the moment your dull eyes are opened – the moment you rise out of the mesmerism of mortal belief. A picture of great beauty may appear a daub to an unenlightened novice. Once the veil of ignorance is lifted. however, by study and practice, the beauty of the picture is appreciated.
    God, as the great master Painter, created the universe in all its perfection. Mortals fail to see it only because of their standpoint of ignorance and materiality. All things appear to be blue to the one wearing blue glasses.”

    500 Watching Points for Advancing Students of Christian Science by Gilbert C. Carpenter, C.S.B and Gilbert C. Carpenter, Jr., C.S.B Pgs 18-19

  11. Thanks so much dear Evan…this is what I very much need today, since my hubby is undergoing a biopsy test.
    I am praying that God’s power and presence are the only reality…”I am God and there is none else. Even so harmony is real and discord is unreal ”
    When God fills all space there is no room for error at all.
    “The God principle is all powerful and all present. God is everywhere and nothing apart from Him is present or has power.”
    “The power of CS and divine Love is omnipotent. It is indeed adequate to unclasp the hold and destroy sin, disease and death.”

  12. Thanks so much J for sharing the lovely article on healing. Thanks to everyone for sharing their inspiring comments.

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