Spirit in action

January 20, 2025 | 25 comments

 For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

~ Job 33:4, NLT

When you pray for healing, start with Spirit!

Spirit, or God, is what empowers you to live and prosper.

Spirit gives you life.  Spirit gives you strength.  Spirit gives you wisdom.  Spirit is the source of enduring health.

Spirit is what shapes and forms your existence as a child of God.

Matter, or physicality, is a finite concept of Spirit.  It’s a limited, narrow, short-sighted view of what is real in the eternal scheme of things.

Don’t let the finite limit your sense of the infinite.  Start with the infinite, and triumph over the finite.

You are not a physical body trying to improve or get better.  You are Spirit expressed.  You are boundless, limitless, infinite heavenly Spirit in action!

Start with Spirit.  Live in Spirit.  And prosper!

25 thoughts on “Spirit in action”

  1. Thank you Evan for todays SV. It says it all. As God is All-in-All , Spirit is all we can be ; the second citation in the responsive reading for this weeks Bible lesson reads “He is the Rock, his work is perfect:” – can’t get any better than that.

  2. And 2 citations from S&H by Mary Baker Eddy:

    261:4 — “Hold thought steadfastly to the endur
    ing, the good, and the true, and you will bring these
    into your experience proportionably to their occupancy
    of your thoughts.”

    496:15. – “Hold perpetually this thought, — that it is the spiritual idea, the Holy Ghost and Christ, which enables you to demonstrate, with scientific certainty, the rule of healing, based upon its divine Principle, Love, underlying, overlying, and encompassing all true being.”

    1. TY for contributing very active directions for how to face the political transition finalizing today, At this VERY moment; the strength of Truth is ALIVE and VERY WELL in control, while the human transition occurs at the USA PRESIDENTIAL level. The spiritual idea has more power than any leader, government official, nor individual who knows the Truth. I am grateful GOD leads the way for ALL MANKIND, now and always, never leaving us without HIS protection, care, and LOVE. While we do our part as given above, HOLD THOUGHT , and HOLD PERPETUALLY THIS THOUGHT, as the way to proceed, humanly, into the future. AMEN

  3. Great post Evan….and I especially love ” Spirit is what shapes and forms your existence as a child of God.” Why? Because so often we worry over our shape; things that “form” on our body that look like a problem; things in our lives in different forms and shapes. This is a good reminder to resolve things into thoughts.
    We worry about what we can see with our eyes but should actually consider what we cannot see.

    1. Thank you Diane, your comments are right on target. As we resolve things into thoughts as you say, (and as MBE advises us to do), we will see that the shapes and forms of our existence are not material as they may seem, but completely spiritual.

    1. What an awesome way to use Mrs. Eddy’s synonyms for our Heavenly Father/Mother. Thank you, Josef!!! And thank you, Evan, for yet another healing post. We are so blessed. ❤️

  4. Thank you for this today Evan….what would we do without the knowledge of the truth of our individuality being at hand , tangibly, and demonstrably. Thank you MBE and our SV❣️

  5. Thank you Evan for giving these views to start a day Big with blessings! And thank you readers for your
    Inspiring thoughts .

  6. Loved Evan’s “Don’t let the finite limit your sense of the infinite” as well as the helpful inspiration shared by Diane. Thank you both!

  7. John 4:24. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

    Acts 17:28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

  8. Spirit is such a great topic today. Thank you, Evan and all for the unified
    messages .. all coming together with inspiration and love and spirit in
    action. “Start with the infinite and triumph over the finite …
    Start with Spirit. Live in Spirit. And prosper!” Lovely, Evan. Thank you!!

  9. The warmth of Spirit as depicted in the sweet family above, gives a
    wonderful feeling like we have in our Father/Mother God … helping
    us move forward with the caring and guidance and protection that
    we all have in our spiritual view when we turn to this Spirit expressed.

  10. Thank you very much, dear Evan for these enlightening spiritual views you give us here so powerfully! It is absolutely comforting that matter has no say at all, rather Spirit is all in all, everpresent divine Love!
    Our life is Spirit, God; knowing this Truth, praying with this Truth (see the SSB by MBEDDY) surely leads to lasting healing! What a beautiful Truth: “we are Soirit expressed. And we are boundless, limitless, infinite heavenly Spirit in action!” I am very happy you explain us our absolute spiritual identity. Thanks so much!!♡

    It’s a delight for me to read all your inspiring comments and to listen to the helpful article, dear J is giving us here about “the body is not the boss” – absolute wonderful!

    Utmost thanks for your blessing SpiritView, Evan!♡

  11. Thank you Evan and all the commenters today! What a wonderful post. The “starting point is Spirit….” S&H page 275. “Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good.” S&H page 393
    Wonderful! We’re never stuck in matter.
    Thanks to all.

  12. Evan thank you, I love this definition you gave of what we actually are, “You are Spirit expressed. You are boundless, limitless, infinite heavenly Spirit in action!” Yessss!

  13. Loved this inspiring idea: You are boundless, limitless, infinite heavenly Spirit in action. Thanks Evan & all other contributors

  14. So helpful Evan! Thank you! I especially liked:
    “Start with the infinite, and triumph over the finite.
    You are not a physical body trying to improve or get better. You are Spirit expressed. You are boundless, limitless, infinite heavenly Spirit in action!”
    Lots of Love!

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