Drink your cup of divine energy today

March 31, 2017 | 8 comments

Brews of coffee and a multitude of drinks loaded with caffeine intended to boost the energy level of its consumer, proliferate the marketplace these days. As most every consumer knows, the surge felt from the drink is temporary, and leaves one back where they started from, or wanting more. If one is convinced they need caffeine to keep running, the attachment can become addictive.

But there’s another way!

Spirit is the source of energy that does not fail.

Spiritual energy is not temporary. It’s permanent. It sticks. It remains.

One can work all day on the energy of Spirit, and not lose his inspiration, joy and motivation.

One can work a long hard day on the energy of Spirit, and lie down at night in a peaceful state of mind that is ready to wake in the morning filled with vim and vigor and ready to go for another productive, energy filled day.

The energies of Spirit last, they endure, they are forever present to sustain us and keep us going at 100%.

The divine energy does not come from a power drink or a jolt of caffeine. It’s spiritual. It comes from within, from God, and is received through spiritual sense.

So start your day well. Spend some quiet time with God. Open those spiritual senses of yours to God’s presence, and let the divine energy flow into your consciousness and give you the inspiration, motivation, energy and strength you need to flourish.

Take a large drink from the fountain of Spirit and stay energized with the kind of metaphysical clarity that brings a genuinely good effect into your life for the long term.

Stay inspired with spiritual truth.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote,

“We have strength in proportion to our apprehension of the truth…. A cup of coffee or tea is not the equal of truth, whether for the inspiration of a sermon or for the support of bodily endurance”
Science and Health, p. 80.

“Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy. Let us rejoice that we are subject to the divine “powers that be.” Such is the true Science of being” Science and Health, p. 249.

“Obedience to Truth gives man power and strength” Science and Health, p. 183.

8 thoughts on “Drink your cup of divine energy today”

  1. Love this energetic boost Evan! Let’s all go forward today feeling the divine energy of Spirit and have a great spiritually productive day! Thanks.

  2. Yes, thanks a lot Evan, absolutely what we need for today and everyday!

    The theme of this years annual Meeting of The Motherchurch is exactly the first sentence of
    Science and Health page 249. I love that sentence, and I really do need that, because I am
    a coffee drinker, but not because of being awake but because I like that. But that is not too good either.
    I would like to come away from it and really work it out the way Evan so lovingly gives us the spiritual ideas today

    I just got a machine to press fruit and vegetables to have a more refreshing drink.
    But the absolute Truth of Evan`s SpiritView is so very marvelous and much better and I am very grateful for it 😉

  3. This is perfect for me. I have a long and unusual day ahead doing things that will help our church’s Reading Room and the community. I decided to look up the word “vim” in the phrase you used: vim and vigor. Vim is great to have! It is robust energy and enthusiasm. So I will take all these good ideas into every task and need along the way today.

  4. Thanks, Evan, this is just the message I needed this morning as I have a full day ahead of packing to move and serving 3 hours in the reading room. I am always about my Father’s business. I like how Hymn 445 puts it, “I awake each morn to a brand new day, Singing Hallelujah! as I go on my way.”

  5. Thanks! I like to think when I first wake up—“This is the day the Lord hath made; be glad, give thanks, rejoice” and “the divine energy of Spirit.” To me, joy is energy, and gratitude fills our hearts with joy and, consequently, energy!

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