A better habit

September 8, 2011 | 3 comments

Do you have any bad habits you’d like to conquer?  Most people probably have at least one or two items on their “would love to stop doing it,” list they’d like to see removed.

Rather than beating yourself up for the bad habit and spiraling into a never-ending dark chasm of self-condemnation and feeling of hopelessness, focus your attention and energy on recognizing and accepting the good habits God has endowed you with to indulge.
As a child of God, you are predisposed to acting out good habits!
For instance, you are divinely designed to be generous, unselfish, kind, thoughtful, and abundantly expressive of goodwill and forgiveness.  You are naturally inclined to act with discipline and order, dominion and care.  You are spiritually created to make wise decisions and intelligent choices.
In God’s plan and order of the day, selfishness and sensuality do not have a hold on your desires.  Truth and Love have all the pull and exercise all the sway.
You are the offspring of Spirit, not the product of carnality.  You love to do the right thing, and will do the right thing.  God made you that way, and it’s a good habit to claim, accept and live out.

3 thoughts on “A better habit”

  1. Thank you so much, Evan, for all your uplifting and thoughtful messages. I have just recently been introduced to your website and am deeply grateful for all the inspiration and helpful ideas.

  2. I really like this! Super ideas.
    I was thinking recently about how mortal mind gets us riveted on looking and thinking the wrong direction. Case in point, It is unfortunate that with all her success and generosity, Oprah Winfrey considers herself a failure because she can’t control her weight.

    Thanks for this reminder to stick with acknowledging what we have – rather than being glued on what we think is missing.

  3. Evan, This is truly beautiful! Just what I need! I embrace these ideas and will continually apply them. They are so freeing.

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