Would you like to improve your hearing?
Here’s a short video reporting how one man found better hearing from his study of Christian Science.
His “ear,” or thought, was opened!
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Jesus Christ, Luke 14:35)
Dear Evan, I enjoyed this SpiritView video which shows us God`s Love to His child, Man and what is possible with God, everything! I offer you my deepest thanks again today . I feel much Love listening to this wonderful testimony. I admire the gorgeous works of our Christian Science Chaplains!
Yes, listening to God opens our ears, Thank you for your really uplifting spiritual views!
How precious is that … thank you Evan for sharing!
Thank you so much for this, Evan! Thank you!
What an entirely darling and delightful testimony. To know that such work is going on in prisons is so very heartening, never mind the inspiring healing itself. “God is moving us forward,” I think Chaplain Dave said. I love that. It means healing continues as our hearing God’s messages, as our listening to God, continues, eternally. No end in sight to God’s goodness.
BEAUTIFUL story and can’t you feel the love George has for people and helping others? I really enjoyed watching several prisoners stories of healing when I clicked on Chaplain George’s name at the top above the video. This man has a wonderfully uplifting blog and is well worth watching…so much good being done by that group of people…they are doing what Jesus did and we should all do…this is how to expand CS in the world…by healing and helping people realise they are God’s reflection and all good is available to every one of us.
OOPS sorry ! I meant that I clicked on DAVID FOWLER’s name and that took me to the website
I too watched another video of a woman’s transformation through attending the cS services at the prison where she was incarcerated several times and thought her only soulution was to die and pleaded with God to take her. He /She did but transformed her instead. A beautiful story. I am grateful for the dedication of the CS chaplains that bring the truth to the prisons.
Thank you Evan. In a talk by the late Daniel Jensen, CSB, there is a reference to a testimony from the March 1918 Christian Science Journal from a lady that was healed of deafness in an ear from which the eardrum was removed. This video made me think of that so I thought I’d share that testimony.
In the talk Mr. Jensen pointed out how this woman read Science and Health one sentence at a time and then spent time thinking about that one sentence from every angle until she could accept it as the truth. That has always impressed me. How important it is for us not just to “read” the Bible and S&H, but to “study” them until the truth they contain becomes ingrained (firmly established) in our day to day thinking.
Brian, Thank you very much for the link you posted, I really connected with the statement of “one sentence at a time” It really helps me see things as they really are
Thank you Evan! I enjoyed listening to several of these. Really enjoyed this one too;
Brian – thank you for sharing that article!
These Chaplains so clearly express the same precious, Powerful humility which gave Christ Jesus His greatness – referred to throughout last week’s Lesson. What blessings they are!
I am so grateful, daily, for limitless, abundant blessing our SpiritView community provides, knowing that the Love is really everywhere, at work
Thank you thank you thank you
This is lovely. I love that instead of the man waiting to hear something, he was listening to God.
Daniel Jensen is one of my favorites, also.
Evan, so grateful to you for sharing Light in Prison with us! Mary Baker Eddy started this Christian Science prison ministry, and it is alive and well in many states in the U.S. I also subscribe to this monthly podcast and am encouraged by these healings in my own Institutional Committee work in our county jail. Inmates are so receptive when they find out how C.S. teaches them, according to the Bible, what they really are. it gives them hope for a future that’s free from past mis-identification as mere mortals, trapped in unproductive habits and behaviors. Many thanks, and love to all.
Yes! God bless the Chaplins and their work.Thank you Evan for sharing this, and thank you all for your comments and links.
Happy to see this video of my brother, David Martin or Chaplain Dave! Both he and his wife Cindy have witnessed amazing proofs of spiritual growth in many inmates over their years as Christian Science prison chaplains..
Awwww, this is my sweet friend, Dave Martin. Thank you Evan for sharing this awesome video. Dave is such a gentle and kind man, I’ve known him and his delightful wife, Cindy for almost 30 years. What a blessing this video brings to all of us.