A solution to the pandemic is already here

May 25, 2020 | 29 comments

Contrary to popular belief, there is a workable solution already on earth to stop the pandemic. It’s a cure practiced by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago. It’s been proven effective by many people since, and it’s fully explained in the teachings of Christian Science today. Understanding the omnipotence and omnipresence of God, prevents and cures disease.

It is a method of healing that so few people understand, unfortunately, that it is not reported in the press or circulated in the popular science journals as a remedy. Most of mankind is looking to the development of a material vaccine as the solution, and thus has turned attention in that direction.

Nonetheless, those who do practice the omnipotence of God in their lives are quietly moving along in their spheres of activity demonstrating immunity to the virus and proving the power of Truth to protect them from harm. Or, if feeling an effect from it, relying upon the dominion of God over their health to neutralize any suffering and remove it from their experience. Spiritual mindedness is the best antidote for any disease.

From what I see and know about metaphysical healing, I can’t help but believe that if all the fear, anxiety and worry in the world right now over the coronavirus were replaced with knowing the omnipresence of Love at work supporting and sustaining the health of every man, woman and child, that the pandemic would vanish.

Mankind doesn’t have to wait for the development of a vaccine to appear sometime in the distant future. A solution is already here.

“At a time of contagious disease, Christian Scientists endeavor to rise in consciousness to the true sense of the omnipotence of Life, Truth, and Love, and this great fact in Christian Science realized will stop a contagion”
(Mary Baker Eddy, Miscellany, p. 116).

29 thoughts on “A solution to the pandemic is already here”

  1. Thank you so much, Evan, for these wonderful statements, just what we need to start a new week with and to help us stay immune from this pandemic.

  2. Help us Father, to understand more of your omnipotence en omnipresence…And thank you Evan for reminding us.

  3. Thank you Evan and thank you to everyone who comments and contributes to this blog. Last week someone shared an article called Earth’s Preparatory School by Daniel L. Jensen, which I found really helpful. Thank you so much! X

  4. & also from Mrs Eddy: “Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full. There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness. Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefitted.” (Miscellany 210:4)

    1. Thank you for sharing this article, Fay. It was awesomely helpful to me today! Another gear turning in the right direction~:)

    2. Thank you Fay. I love the first line of this article:

      “Have you ever thought how it must have been to be the only Christian Scientist on earth?”

      Mrs. Eddy proved that the effective practice of Christian Science doesn’t require large numbers of like minded people.

    3. Thank you for posting the article. I have printed out a copy to re-read when I error tries to raise it’s head.

  5. Thank you Evan. We must keep the truth about our totally protected reality constantly in consciousness . Love the quote from miscellany too. Thank you Angie.❣️

  6. “ The plea of False Belief we deem unworthy of a hearing. Let what False Belief utters, now and forever, fall into oblivion, “unknelled, uncoffined, and unknown.” According to our statute, Material Law is a liar who cannot bear witness against Mortal Man, neither can Fear arrest Mortal Man nor can Disease cast him into prison. Our law refuses to recognize Man as sick or dying, but holds him to be for‐ever in the image and likeness of his Maker. Reversing the testimony of Personal Sense and the decrees of the Court of Error in favor of Matter, Spirit decides in favor of Man and against Matter. We further recommend that Materia Medica adopt Christian Science and that Health-laws, Mesmerism, Hypnotism, Oriental Witchcraft, and Esoteric Magic be publicly executed at the hands of our sheriff, Progress.
    The Supreme Bench decides in favor of intelligence, that no law outside of divine Mind can punish or reward Mortal Man. Your personal jurors in the Court of Error are myths. Your attorney, False Belief, is an impostor, persuading Mortal Minds to return a verdict contrary to law and gospel. The plaintiff, Personal Sense, is recorded in our Book of books as a liar. Our great Teacher of mental jurisprudence speaks of him also as “a murderer from the beginning.” We have no trials for sickness before the tribunal of divine Spirit. There, Man is adjudged innocent of transgressing physical laws, because there are no such laws. Our statute is spiritual, our Government is divine. “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”
    S&H 441:10 – n.p. 4

  7. Thank you, Fay -the mock trial in S&H is a perfect response to the claims of the virus. Just as in the trial the man was found innocent and NOT GUILTY by the Court of Christian Science, so are we all innocent and free right now in the same way as related in that mock trial. We can declare ourselves to be safe from being arrested by mortal mind, and we cannot be made to submit to false material laws and beliefs. God is our Judge and knows that we are all safe in the Secret Place of the Most High.
    (Psalm 91)

  8. A wonderful message! So perfect with this week’s lesson, dispelling fears and imaginations with the Truth! Thank you!

  9. So grateful for these infinite eternal words of divine truth bringing hope and dispelling all fear, anxiety and worry.

  10. This is just exactly what the world needs. This series continually being presented on SpiritView is lessening fear. Evidenced by the newscasts bursting with pictures of people celebrating in great numbers, Playing together in otherwise ill advised closeness.
    They are exhibiting their fearlessness and joy as though nothing has changed.
    Nothing has changed in God’s perfect presence.
    We will continue to pray for safety that’s everpresent and omnipotent.
    And enjoy this Memorial Day, holiday by unseeing error and being wise and helpful wherever and however we can. Apart from this world and present with God.

  11. Thanks, Evan for this most important message.thanks, Dilys for the reminder of Dan Jensen’s article. For those who might not know his work there is a small book of his talks available at The Bookmark
    in Santa Clara CA

    1. Betsy Thank you for mentioning The Bookmark. I looked it up on line I saw a few things that I would like to order. Ernie Castro

  12. Brilliant. Thank you Evan for this clear and powerful statement and divine wisdom at hand. Great comments and links too. Thank you

  13. Thank you Evan and everyone! On this Memorial Day in the U.S. I can’t help but remember with gratitude everyone who has expressed bravery by defeating all forms of tyranny in the past. Similarly we all can face and defeat the false beliefs that a loving God could never create.

  14. Am very grateful for today’s spiritual views of the present special world situation!!!
    It is so helpful, and the spiritual truth therein is wonderful nourishment and much comfort, thank you Evan!
    And thank you all for the shared links to relevant articles and for the inspired comments! ☆☆☆

  15. Every Christian Scientist please send a copy of Evan’s exactly on point article to every Member of Parliament,
    Congressman/ woman, Senator every part of the news media. It is that important.
    Thank you Evan.

  16. Diane w.a, WHAT A PERFECTLY LOVING IDEA! Let’s ALL post it in our RR windows!
    “The only contagion is fear.” I said to a UMC pastor yesterday. Upon visiting a magnificent church out of town I have been working in as a CS nurse, I inquired about having a peek inside. Needless to say, there were still strong precautions in place, and unfortunately the answer was “No”. There was mention of the “virus” and that sentence was my reply. The minister seemed taken aback and speechless, so I added “The way I see it, since GOD is omnipresent, there is no place left for a virus to be.” Then came a powerful sense of unease. At that point, a fellow congregant (standing nearby without a mask.) added that she was “especially susceptible” because…and went on to describe a challenge she has had recently. The atmosphere attempted to become awkward, so I dismissed myself politely and continued my walk about the grounds of the majestic building. It is amazing how little faith in GOD there seems to be among some clergy. I just have to keep knowing the Truth when I am tempted to be drawn into the lie.

  17. Gracias, muchas gracias, para mi es muy importante leer artículos alentadores que nos muestran la Verdad, es bueno recordarlo en todo momento, porque los ataques de la mente mortal estan al acecho, y comprendiendo las verdades que nos enseña la Ciencia Cristiana, vencemos al error, lo desenmascaramos y nada nos puede vencer…..
    Muchas gracias!!!

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