Are you acting on impulse or inspiration?

April 16, 2015 | 11 comments

It’s a good question to ask if you’re striving to exercise more dominion over your thought and actions. Are you acting on mortal mind impulse or divine Mind inspiration?

How many poor decisions are made by blind impulse? An extravagant purchase that is later regretted, too much food consumed, a poorly chosen word or phrase spoken to a loved one, a selfish act that harms a neighbor, or submission to a pesky itch? As helpless as we may feel at times, these types of mindless actions can be reined in with a better understanding of the one Mind.

God is an intelligent Mind that we are designed to reflect. This Mind thinks clearly, acts wisely, makes intelligent choices, and possesses 100% dominion over its every thought and action.

This Mind is not blind, helpless and weak or absent. It is not selfish. It is unselfish, wise, discerning and always working to bring about the best outcome. It thinks about what it is doing and acts with a knowledge of consequences. It is in total control of its experience.

As a reflection of the one Mind, you possess Mind’s intelligent control over every thought and action. You can be fully aware of the consequences of your thoughts and actions. You can know the outcome ahead of time. You can act with wisdom, discretion, honesty, and intelligence. You can make the best choice possible that leads to outstanding results.

To experience more of divine Mind’s intelligent control, it’s also important to know that mortal mind does not control your thinking and that you are not under the influence of carnal desire, blind will, mindless belief or physical sensation. As a child of God, you can “come out and be separate,” from mortal mind, exercise dominion over it and live free of its baneful influence.

So, don’t wave a flag of surrender to blind impulse. Pounce on it. Claim your God-given dominion to think and act with intelligence. Let the inspiration of divine Mind lead you, and watch the temptation to act blindly fade away.

“In a world of sin and sensuality hastening to a greater development of power, it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing one” Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p. 82.

11 thoughts on “Are you acting on impulse or inspiration?”

  1. This mindless impulse is traveling to it’s own destruction by continuing it’s supposed influence on uninformative thoughts. Sooner or later these thoughts will be recognized as mortal human impulses and finally disappear.

  2. Good one! Isn’t that our daily job? To consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing us? A truly Mindful approach to every phase of human experience will surely purify and elevate us, step by step. Work to do! Thanks, Evan!

  3. Mindless = Godless. I’ve been striving to be more alert to godlessness in my life and our culture. It’s also mindless to follow the crowd.
    Thanks, this subject is food for deep thought. The dominion we’re given isn’t partial, but complete. We need to claim it and express it. It’s a good thing! Much better ‘work out’ than going to the gym!

  4. “You Are Not Your Brain”, is a recent book published by two respected MDs who have done pioneering work on neuroplasticity. They distinguish between mind and the brain. The brain sends impulse laden messages and they state. “seperating your identity, your true self, from the deceptive brain messages and unhealthy habits you’re engaging in is critical. Therefore, we cannot overstate this point: You are not a disease, problem or disorder.” They state that the way to “lift the veil” of deceptive brain messages is see things from the viewpoint of the Wise Advocate. “The Wise Advocate wants the best for you because it loves and cares for you, so it encourages you to value your true self and make decisions in a rational way based on what is in your overall best interest in the long term.” I found this very interesting, even though it doesn’t speak of God or the unreality of matter, it certainly evidences a new direction in thought. Thanks Evan for your blog.

    1. As Mrs. Eddy writes in S&H, “The belief that a pulpy substance under the skull is mind is a mockery of intelligence, a mimicry of Mind.”

  5. Your blog always hits a home run with me, Evan! I love your daily inspiration (to me they are my assignments) that I strive to keep in the forefront of my thinking all day long. You have caused me to look at things I have taken for granted for so long (do I really need to apply lotion on my hands; do I need dessert, even if I’m sharing it; is this purchase a want or need; the barking dogs next door just need more Love). I am “striving to exercise more dominion over [my] thought and actions” and my life is filled with more and more blessings as a result. Thank you, and thanks to all who offer their comments and experiences each day.

  6. Verlee speaks for me, as well. Thank you, Evan, for another fabulous message of the truth. I’m going to send it along to some others that I know it will bless.

  7. Another hit out of the ballpark! I’m working hard on “bringing every thought to the captivity of Christ”! The blog and Scott’s post are exactly what I needed this morning. Thank you, Evan!!
    Thank you, Scott and all the other respondents!! I guess its another glorious day of work, work, work, watch and pray…..didn’t I read that in a lesson somewhere! LOL

  8. Just the thoughts I needed this morning. Thank you Evan and all responders! This is something I have become more conscious of – blind impulse vs true needs. I am working on listening to God’s direction, not my wants. Evan, your blog beautifully draws us back to God first.

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