All healing is of God

May 2, 2012 | 8 comments

Someone struggling with a physical ailment, and praying too, wondered how they’d know whether they were healed by their prayers or whether healing would happen anyway whether they prayed or not.

I replied, “Either way, God is the one who heals you if you have a true healing. Be sure to give God the credit and not time, the unknown or something else material.”


As I pondered this truth I rejoiced to remember that all good flows from God, and that oftentimes, people experience God’s good without realizing where it comes from. This happens frequently in times of physical distress.



People, by the millions, are healed by the reforming power of divine Love without realizing that divine Love is healing them.  It’s God’s laws of natural healing at work in their lives.


They don’t take any medicine. They don’t do anything in particular in a material way to cause a change. In their minds, they are “waiting it out.” But in reality, they are not waiting it out at all. Without conscious effort, they are simply letting Christ work in their thought to dissolve fear, remove mental obstacles to healing, and cause improvement.


God is at work in everyone’s lives. God’s laws are constantly pulling everyone toward healing when they face sickness. It’s not natural to get sick and sicker. That’s unnatural. It’s natural to get well. The tendency toward wellness is like the tendency of gravity. It affects everyone on earth, whether they agree with gravity or not.


The human mind often puts up a major fight, through human will, pride, ego, self-righteousness, doubt and more, to the natural and inevitable good effect of God’s laws of health, and seems to prevent God’s laws of natural healing from having their rightful effect.

But oftentimes, people are not restrained by these shackles of mortal mind, and when ill, they can “ride it out” so to speak, and come out in a good place. God should still get the credit for healing, though, not time.


Students of Truth also learn, through experience, that consecrated study of Truth and implementation of its teachings in everyday life clear the human mind of obstruction to healing, and guarantee better results when faced with trials. So it does “pay” to pray on a regular basis.


So, if one cuts his or her finger, well of course, we expect it to heal quickly whether we went to church or not that week, because God’s law of healing is at work causing healing to happen. It’s natural for that finger to heal up.


If one catches cold, of course we expect the cold to go away whether we studied the Bible or not that day, because God’s laws of natural healing are at work causing improvement. It’s natural and normal to get better. It’s not natural to have a cold.


And the same rule applies to any disease. If one “catches” cancer, or diabetes, or any other breed of error, we can expect that to go away too, because God’s laws of healing are at work causing improvement, just like with a cold or a cut.


A difference between a finger cut and cancer, though, is where one’s faith is placed. If one is not in the habit of giving God the credit for all healing, when faced with a “tougher” problem, the temptation to believe matter is in control, rather than God, looms large in thought and appears real. Faith in healing wavers and withers because it’s not rooted in understanding Spirit to be the Source. Blind faith takes one only so far.  And that’s why consecrated prayer and spiritual growth pay off in the long run. They give us the spiritual strength and power to face the Goliaths of mortal mind and not give in.


But no matter what, all true health comes from God.


8 thoughts on “All healing is of God”

  1. God is All.
    What more needed?

    Perhaps a helpful analogy is that He “supports us” like the ocean supports kayaks, and ocean liners,
    inner tubes, canoes… without
    judgement as to how the rowing or sailing is being done.

    Support (healing) is natural, impersonal…the Principle of Life, divine Love.

    If God does not condemn us for letting the healing
    happen according to Principle, why do we condemn ourselves, or others? Humans are simply learning
    the Better Way: yielding to God’s Law of Perfect Adjustment, healing. The Science of Truth is HERE,
    and we can use it to…sail over the waves…joyfully!
    And have perfect health and harmony in God’s
    beautiful sunshine of Love!!


  2. I LOVE this! And I love the rose! What a beauty – this smile of our loving Father-Mother-God!
    Thank you so much, Evan!

  3. Thanks Evan, an important point I haven’t “heard” before the years I’ve been in Science, struggling with something, elaboration on MBE’s point that it doesn’t matter if it’s cancer or a cold. Your analogy illustrates well how our expectations regarding colds and cuts can be applied to more “serious” conditions. Even many in the medical community point out “the body’s natural ability” to heal itself if allowed. They’re perhaps not quite conscious, or only slightly conscious that “natural ability” isn’t the body, it’s the constant work of Christ. This I will strive to remember and apply to my own situation, I’m being pulled constantly toward healing, just need to keep aggressive suggestions out of the way.

    Thanks much,


  4. I love this fresh view of healing truly happening and available to everyone because progress is always natural. Give God the credit! Reminds me of a situation when one of our sons had deep third degree burns on his arm. A CS nurse, practitioner and myself were all attending to his needs through prayer and practical dressing of the wound. Husband not a Scientist wanted a doctor to make sure all was being taken care of. Turning to God I found one who said after examining our son, “I saw many a burn in Vietnam as a medic and came to the conclusion, we can patch them up but only God can heal them.” I cherished that and of course our son was healed with no scars as predicted. Thanks for freshness. Sher

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