Always need God

October 10, 2024 | 16 comments

How important it is to remember that we need God as much on our good days as on our worst days.

God is the source of all good.  When events go swimmingly well, it’s important to remember where all good comes from, so we can keep experiencing that good.

When events tank, and we wonder how we’re going to survive, God’s help is there to pull us out of the mire and get us back on top of things.

God is our Helper on the good days and on the bad days.  We always need God’s help.

Call to me and I will answer you…” says the Lord (Jer. 33:3, RSV).

16 thoughts on “Always need God”

  1. Good could be like the chain of scientific understanding that unites all experiences in our lives.. it’s what every experience can have in common..
    In every experience there is some good to be discovered..

    1. Thank God for John’s comment, we jJust experienced that idea, following John’s lead, looking for a website, to find all the good we were needing in the near future. One click provided each available choice we were needing., and discovered details of the choices varied,. None of the choices we were offered covered our needs, which saved us from making the wrong choice. All GOOD.

      1. John says the right – in quiet moments when i remember experiences in my life in a christian scientific way I know for sure that God had always lead me, protected me and cared for me very lovingly and I am so very grateful for all the endless good He gave me all the time, even when there seemed to be certain bad times which taught me that the Christ Truth was nearer than ever. Thank you dear God, and thank you dear Evan for letting us be aware of the Goodness of our God in all our was!♡♡♡

  2. Just think of how many things have to be right for anyone to have a bad day. Bad day are a matter of individual perspective and not the truth of being.

    1. Yes, Josey, “Bad days are a matter of individual PERSPECTIVE, not the Truth of being.”
      The wonderful thing about the good and the opposite we want to call ( bad, evil, liar ) is that if aware of God’s connection , we can switch our thoughts, in a fraction of a second , see the mental picture and feel the healing presence of the totality of good.
      Thank you Evan for your inspiring approach !

  3. Sometimes we seem to get into a slump with the “bad days”, especially lately
    with so many uncertainties and challenges of life. So many questions and
    blanks to be filled in. But like yesterday .. going to the transferr station … with the
    most beautiful fall scenery there could be …. the gorgeous colors, the roadway
    and mountains ablaze with reds and yellow and oranges – all like a picturesque
    spiritual delight of God’s creation – there is absolutely no doubt that God, Love is
    present and this Love is revitalized into all the magnificent glory it has always been,
    even through the challenges, with God’s Good abounding …… never wavering
    always pure Spirit and Soul.

  4. I am in Sarasota and today the Florida sun is shinning, clean up has started, power is being restored and comfort is being given. Lots of loving hands at work. The storm is gone. Safety during and provision after manifests the Life and Love extant and at hand in our ever present and omniscient God. Gratitude is the main driver today.

    1. David I am so glad and grateful to hear of all the manifestations of God’s good surrounding you and your neighbors. May His blessings continue to be apparent.

  5. Two translations of the full verse quoted above, Jeremiah 33:3

    “Call to me and I will answer you; I will tell you wonderful and marvelous things that you know nothing about.” (Good News Translation)

    “Call to me and I will answer you; I will tell you great things beyond the reach of your knowledge.” (New American Bible Revised Edition)

    This tells me that in turning to God in all things we can hear and know all we need to be joyous and free (angel messages). What we can never know by looking through a mortal, material view.

  6. I’m so grateful for the power of prayer as we have in Christian Science.
    Daily prayer and prayer of the moment when needed proves powerful.
    Thank you Evan and all commenters and SV family out their praying every moment for all.

  7. Text from friend in Florida this morning. “It didn’t come near me.” She was in the predicted path.
    News report ” it wasn’t as bad as predicted” I know we all were praying., Yesterday.

  8. Utmost thanks, dear Evan! This is so very very comforting for me and just needed a lot!
    I remember the Psalms-Verse:” Lean on God with all thine heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, and He will lead you aright.” And this leading aright means under all circumstances!
    Thank you all for the so good comments!

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