Are you planting for a good harvest tomorrow?

April 5, 2016 | 13 comments

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”

~ Robert Louis Stevenson

Raising happy children doesn’t just happen. It comes from years of genuine care, affection, and devoted attention by parents or guardians each step of the way.

Building a happy home doesn’t just happen. It takes patience, generosity, unselfishness and care day after day, week after week.

Prayer that heals consistently doesn’t just happen. It takes commitment, study, and spiritual devotion to see increasingly better results.

The seeds you plant today determine the harvest you bring in tomorrow.

13 thoughts on “Are you planting for a good harvest tomorrow?”

  1. Thanks a lot, dear Evan, for such a sweet and important reminder how things are going truely, and that indeed only through prayer and Gods precious qualities – thanks!

  2. Yes of course we need to plant good seeds to see a lovely harvest. Commitment, study, spiritual devotion are so very essential for getting healing experiences. Just opening your books and praying during times of trouble, does not bring an answer. We need to make a commitment to study and pray, be devoted to leading a good life and give gratitude to God constantly for all the abundant blessings He so gracefully showers on us.
    Thanks Evan for the daily uplifting our thoughts.

  3. As an “avid” gardener on our acre under the California Oaks, I sure do know what it means to care for plants and trees and …knees! If asked the secret to a healthy lovely landscape, I’d say faithfulness! First, faithful to the God of Nature, Spirit, who knows all about Her Gardens of Thought, expressed in the beauty we (humanly) see around us. Then faithful to all the needs of the garden, as God directs: good soil, sunlight, fertilizer, water, and…no weeds! The metaphor is perfect, really, for our mental/spiritual gardening, huh!
    The same principles are true re raising children, our other work, church, etc.
    I’m endeavoring to see all this “work” more as natural expression, not so much tedious effort, etc. It is natural to express Spirit, God! Perhaps the “work” is the seeming resistance of the belief-in-something/anything-apart-from-God. As we drop this resistance-belief, the job becomes more joyous, light!

    Yes? Yes!

    With Love to you all, and especially you, dear Evan!

  4. What a fun (and powerful!) reminder! I am so in need of being reminded of the steady good effort good outcomes require… Along with joy! I ALSO am so grateful for the seeds you scatter so lovingly everyday with this daily gift/lift, Evan! How neat to think of how far and wide your daily effort to help so many… Many who you don’t even know! We are so thankful, I can say for certain!: for all the prayerful time and research you put into this wonderful daily gift to us! We are hoping with all our hearts that YOUR garden continues to bring a wonderful Harvest through each and every season! We thank you!!!… I am especially grateful to you and your family for this gift today!

  5. Just opening S&H doesn’t make a dedicated C/S. That’s just planting a seed which is better than not hearing about what C/S is or does. But AH! cultivating the seed, putting it in practice, that’s harvesting it, nurturing it, practicing it with a dedicated attitude to bing peace on earth, good will to men. That’s the harvest!

  6. Just opening S&H doesn’t make a dedicated C/S. That’s just planting a seed which is better than not hearing about what C/S is or does. But AH! cultivating the seed, putting it in practice, that’s harvesting it, nurturing it, practicing it with a dedicated attitude to bing peace on earth, good will to men. That’s the harvest!

  7. Thanks Evan. So important to “prepare the soil” every day, then minute by minute cultivate and weed out thought garden. Another inspiring lesson❤️

  8. We harvest only what we plant and nurture (which includes weeding out all of the tares). This is true in every aspect of our lives, not just our gardens: our children, family, friends and our church.

    Today’s Daily Lift “Joy is not an add on” by Joel Magnes brought out a beautiful truth which he gave as one example of dissecting a sentence: “Joy constitutes man.” What a beautiful thought!

  9. So very true. Marriages over the years, 50+, require many changes and sometimes in our mortal behavior adjustments are not always easy.

  10. I know it does take time and patience especially with oneself to learn to live more intelligently and to create the home you want to live in. I was just saying to one of my children, you and your husband need to discuss what kind of home you want to live in and make that your goal. My husband and I at one time could only agree on one value- peace. We went about our way making sure our home was peaceful. One word was what we could manage.
    Sometimes I don’t know where to begin in the morning. If I say out loud- God is, I am usually on my way.

  11. Thanks Evan,
    Yesterday I had a wonderful demonstration of ‘sowing öf seeds’!

    You  probably heard cyclone  Zena was going to hit Suva Fiji last night. Well I have been praying and thinking about healing. And something I have realised is perhaps I have been indirectly thinking it is me that is healing instead of God.

    So yesterday I prayed with the idea of the ever presence of God ( love, peace and goodness). I realised that it only takes one person to declare and understand the Truth.  

    Today we hear Zena has gone off in another direction!
    Sooooo grateful for Christian Science and your wonderful blog

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