Argue for health

February 13, 2025 | 26 comments

Are you arguing for good health today or for further suffering?  It’s a good question to ask, because sometimes people spend a lot of time fearing disease, agonizing about disease and studying disease, all courses of action that build a case for disease, instead of wiping it out.

To stay healthy, be sure to argue for health!  Know your spiritual reality with God that is exempt from disease.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The sick unconsciously argue for suffering, instead of against it.  They admit its reality, whereas they should deny it” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 394).  

Symptoms may feel overwhelming at times, but they are not.  You are always a free moral agent to think about spiritual truth, rather than focus on disease.  To stay healthy, deny disease with spiritual truth.

Be quick to agree with health, and even quicker to disagree with disease.

Argue for health and stay well.

26 thoughts on “Argue for health”

  1. Thank you Evan, I will argue for health today. God’s good health is the real and disease is the unreal. I am very grateful for this Truth.

  2. I see in the photo above that this woman is enjoying her warm morning drink and basking in the glow of good and true thoughts of God’s harmony and Love. She is focused on the reality of health – mental, physical and spiritual health in God, unchanging.

    People at work yesterday were talking from a mortal mind view about one of them who may need surgery for something “torn.” Several of us chimed in opinions and thoughts, even I made a comment about my husband having a somewhat similar issue. I see now that I mentioned that partly to feel part of the conversation, we all want that sense of connection and belonging to a group. But I don’t have to be a mouthpiece or spokesperson for error, that is not my purpose. My purpose is to see how God is reflected in myself and others.

    I can know that neither this person nor my husband has to experience pain or injury, which is no part of them. Nothing can be “torn,” we can’t be torn from or separated from God, I have a right to know this. I can try to silently pray and bless when I hear this kind of conversation and feel the temptation to participate. Thanks for a good reminder.

    1. Thank you, Evan, and thank you, Rose. I was thinking this talk given at The Willows (a Christian Science living facility) by Chestnut Booth, CS, might be interesting to watch. She speaks about standing porter at the door of thought. I hope the link works. She begins speaking at the 30-minute mark. (If I am inclined to make a conversational comment in a group of people, sometimes, if I stop to picture that same comment coming from Evan or from Mary Baker Eddy, or especially from our Master, Jesus Christ, it’s enough to activate standing porter in my own thought so I remain silent. Notice I said “sometimes.” It’s not full proof because it’s so easy to make comments in order to “blend in” so to speak. It’s a work in progress!)

    2. Thank you Rose, for sharing what’s happening when error is intruding. A simple issue is to Love, LOve, LOVE, truly beholding where ________ (you fill in the blank) resides, in God’s protective arms of LOVE. Spread the good, even when tempted to comment on the human conversation, pointing out the bad. Being silent or speaking up help direct the pure thought of “where we reside”, in the everlasting arms of LOVE helping all present. I’ve seen it heal, even in a hospital setting.

  3. Thank you Evan, and thank you Rose for the reminder. I read my lessons, link into Spiritview, and read articles and feel that I’m connected to God…. but then I go on with my day and conversations with people I’m connecting with and seem to have that very challenge. it’s a work in progress for sure.

    I’m very grateful for Christian Science, and for Spiritview, and the many articles to help me stay on the course.

  4. “Hid with Christ” in “the secret place” by Gordon R. Clark, From the May 1986 issue of The Christian Science Journal:

    Thank you Evan. And thanks to Rose for the reminder on staying vigilant; and to Jennifer, as agree it’s definitely a work in progress as we connect with others. A family member has an annual golf trip with several friends. The evening before they play golf they gather for dinner. Each person goes around the table giving a “health update” which includes surgeries, physical therapy, illnesses, etc. Yikes. My heart goes out to this family member, as it causes fear and anxiety for him, and isn’t a place where thought needs to be.

  5. Thank you Evan for these Truths which are particularly pertinent today, and thanks to Rose for her final paragraph.
    (P.S. sorry I couldn’t get Cheryl’s link to work)

    1. Hi Rubi, try copying the link Cheryl provided to a different browser, like Google Chrome. It should take you to the website and the talk.
      Thank you Cheryl for a wonderful talk by Chestnut Booth, CS.

  6. Thanks Evan – just what I need – a reminder to restore good health. Really run down at the moment
    and in need of restoration.

  7. Thank you Blessed for the truth, that “true health does come from spiritual Reality!” That’s very comforting as it means for me, the divine Reality which is permanent and never eternal, never ending!!♡

    So good and comforting what you give us today, namely “Symtoms may feel overwhelming at times, but they are. n o t ! ” Thanks a lot, dear Evan for your so important advice. So needed and am working with it. God is our Father-Mother, loving us and is all and ever with us!

    Am always happy reading all your wonderful comments and articles, dear friends!♡

    1. Thank you, Uta. I believe you meant to write : “always” eternal. It is lovely
      what you have written, as always. : )

  8. Thank you Evan & J. The other lecture I found helpful is:
    THE SCIENCE OF BEING UNAFRAID – Noel D. Bryan-Jones 1969
    on He says,”If we are ever deceived, or made fearful, by evil, it isn’t because error is true. It’s because we are not clear enough in our thought that only God, only good, is true….God is Love, and fear is a sense of the absence of Love.”

  9. “To stay healthy, deny disease with spiritual truth.” This observation gobsmacked me as I read it. It became so clear to me that denial does not simply mean ONLY rebuke disease as unreal but ALSO affirm the the Truth that health is of God, from God, about God. Do we also need to refute disease as unreal? Didn’t Jesus already do that? Wouldn’t that be admitting there is actually something there to refute?

  10. I don’t understand denying reality.
    Reality is, we live in a fallen world.
    Job 14:1″ Man who is born of woman is few of days and full of trouble.”
    Matthew 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace.In the world you will have tribulations;but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world.”
    Because Jesus has overcome the world, our peace lies in knowing in the age to come we have him promise from,Revaltion 21:4 “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes;there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain,for the former things have passed away.”
    Our sickness free world is a promise of the age to come, according to Jesus.For those who are I’ll and don’t know what Jesus says about the sufferings of this world.They may believe this stuff and when the reality of their illness is manifested they may question their own faith!

  11. Hi Rodney,

    In Christian Science, reality is defined as that which lasts forever. It’s eternal. If something doesn’t last forever, then there is a point where it is obvioulsy not real. It doesn’t exist.

    Matter and material things are seen as temporal. Spirit and spiritual things are understood to be eternal. Hope that helps!

  12. Hi Rodney,
    Just happened to see your question to Evan and came across this quote below
    from Mrs. Eddy’s Miscellaneous Writings, pg 189, that may be helpful to you:
    “The Scriptures declare Life to be the infinite I AM, – not a dweller in matter.
    For man to know Life as it is, namely God, the eternal good, gives him not
    merely a sense of existence, but an accompanying consciousness of spiritual
    power that subordinates matter and destroys sin, disease, and death. This, Jesus
    demonstrated; inso much that St. Matthew wrote, ‘The people were astonished
    at his doctrine: for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.’
    This spiritual power, healing sin and sickness, was not confined to the first century;
    it extends to all time, inhabits eternity, and demonstrates Life without beginning
    or end.” I’m sure Evan can answer your question in more detail, but happened
    across this and thought it might help to answer your question.

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