Avoid being misguided

October 3, 2017 | 16 comments

The words “misguide human hope,” grabbed my attention when reading this sentence from Science and Health.

“To calculate one’s life-prospects from a material basis, would infringe upon spiritual law and misguide human hope” Science and Health, p. 319.

Have you ever felt misguided? For instance, if someone gave you bad advice and you trusted it thinking it was good advice, or you thought you were doing the right thing but later learned you had made a poor decision?

Eddy gave us instruction above on how to avoid being misguided. Basically, don’t calculate your prospects for success from a material basis.

The human mind too often bases its decisions upon evidence before the physical senses which is variable. It decides how healthy the body is by what it sees in the physical organism, or how wealthy it is according to how much money it has in the bank, or what the stock market is going to do based upon what it did yesterday. These are physical factors subject to constant change. They are unreliable, the product of fickle belief. One day, they may look favorable, the next day the complete opposite.

To make good decisions, one needs to make judgment according to what is true with God. God is good, a reliable source of blessing. When one seeks health in God, one finds it. When one seeks wealth in Spirit, one finds it. When one seeks success in divine Mind, one finds it. God is not variable, but a fixed known.

Let God guide you in all decision-making. Put human opinion aside, silence self-righteousness, quiet pride, turn from your neighbor’s belief about what you should do, and let the voice of wisdom lead you. It will lead you aright, and you won’t be misguided. Reason out from a spiritual basis.

16 thoughts on “Avoid being misguided”

  1. This is a very good message. Today it did not come through my email. I had to go to your site and seek it out, so I believe there’s some issue with it coming through as it should.

  2. Thank you Evan! This is a powerful reminder for me that all my misguided hope – misguided trust – has indeed brought short term gain but ultimate pain and suffering reflected back all around me. Knowing that this is not real or in any way powerful – not of Good – that I can now truly and confidently rely on Good always guiding me safely and surely – I choose the words Jesus Christ taught me and I am always safe and secure.

  3. Thank you dear Evan, such an utmost loving advice to reason out from a total spiritual basis, and let God, the voice of wisdom guide us totally.
    I am working on it 🙂

    I also received this wonderful SpiritView only when getting to your site, Evan, just as Anna said.
    But am grateful that I got it finally.

  4. This is a great message Evan and very helpful. I have your SV as an app on my phone and got it straightaway!

  5. NOTE: I’m not getting SpiritView in my e-mail inbox either. )=

    Thank you for your blog today. Good advise…”Let God guide you in all decision-making.”

    1. There was a glitch with my posting service, so notices for Monday and Tuesdays posts did not go out as they should have. Sorry about that. Hopefully it will be working tomorrow!

  6. This is so helpful Thanks. I had to come to the website to get this today. I think the last email I received was Sept 27.

  7. Thank you Evan, I read your posts every day, though I don’t usually make a comment back. They are always inspiring, and most often exactly what I need to hear for the day.
    (Mine came in the email today, as it always has.)

  8. Certainly a great reminder of how easy it is to wander off the path on demonstrating on the basis of true spiritual understanding. Thank you Evan. I realize at times that what appears to be true though apparent is not always from spiritual understanding and there needs to be an awakening to Truth. It is easy to say well that is the material picture, but then that is also not the reality.

  9. Yes, God knows. Listen for His voice, no doubts. Be led. Thank you for all you do, your blogs and vlogs. I get SV every morning in my email. A wonderful way to start the day!

  10. Mrs. Eddy’s use of the word “calculate” instantly indicates that one must demonstrate the perfect balance in the equation expressing its truth or correctness, be it mathematics, the Science of Being, or the way we think and live, even at this stage on earth.

    Thank you Evan, for SpiritView!

  11. What do you mean that you used Evan’s site to get yesterday’s SV? I did not get yesterday’s healing message, either.

  12. Fire fox would not let me connect either. Did their advance box and made the site certified and it came right up.

    1. To Barb, great suggestion, to use the Advance box tools/options. I’ve avoided trying those choices, hummmmm, listening to God, might guide me as I learn something new. Thanks Evan for helping avoid misguiding human hopes. The explanation and relationship of calculate in this phrase is an eye opener. Good stuff.

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