Be a Spirit-event, not a matter-event

September 5, 2018 | 22 comments

How do you define your day? In terms of what you do materially or spiritually?

As a child of God, the most important events of your day are the spiritual qualities of God you express. The love you share, the truth you know, the kindness you give, the wisdom you act on, and the God you reflect, are the most notable and significant accomplishments. The good they produce stick and have a long-lasting impact on your well-being and upon those around you.

Every day brings along with it certain demands that cannot be avoided, like driving to work, answering the phone, doing the dishes, feeding the children and paying the bills. These jobs need to be done, but how you do them makes all the difference as to how joyous your day will be.

Do you drive to work with a heart overflowing with gratitude that you have a job? Do you answer the phone with an eager expectation that you can help someone in need? Do you clean the dishes with gratitude that your family had a meal to eat and that you have the strength and energy necessary to keep a tidy home? And the list could go on with all the different ways God can be expressed in everything you do.

What you feel and express spiritually turns the mundane into the glorious. Life is not humdrum, boring or routine when lived at a spiritual level. It is inspired.

Let your life be defined by what you accomplish spiritually, rather than in terms of a list of tasks you check off each day. Life at its best is not a matter event, but a Spirit event.

Enjoy being a Spirit-event today!

22 thoughts on “Be a Spirit-event, not a matter-event”

  1. Just finished listening again to The Bible Lesson and saw your blog come in. What a beautiful picture of Love expressed. Love it. And a wonderful reminder of how we should spiritually look at everything we do during the day. You are a blessing. Thank you.

  2. This was so perfect for an up coming event for me. I have written a book, which will be discussed at a prestigious club, and because of Spirit view, and your wonderful inspiration, it has turned into a SPIRIT EVENT! I feel so relieved. And IT IS a Spirit Event, because it is all about overcoming overwhelming odds with the understanding of Christian Science…. SO SO deeply grateful!

      1. YES! I would love you to read it. It is available as an E book on, very reasonably priced. If you type in the title ‘ DRAMA KARMA DHARMA…The Inner Voice… Are you Listening?’ You will find it. Please do let me know what you think. Thank you so much!

  3. What a picture of joy and love, very sweet. And as Mary Ann says, my first Spirit-event today was studying the wonderful and tremendous inspiring weekly lesson sermon.

    Thank you Evan, for today`s reminder to be grateful for every good we express and experience, and of course that we do express kindness, love, gentleness. Oh yes, we can also express all this while shopping, gardening etc. , so blessing!

    This evening it will be a joy- and spirit event, driving to testimony meeting and reading. I am very grateful that I may and can do this all, thanks a lot, dear God!

  4. Yes, applying absolute truths, facts, to what appears to be “our human experience”
    is the order of each day. And why? To witness Truth dissolving illusions about what Life is.

    Life is God, good, perfect, whole, harmonious, complete. The illusion is that we are
    frail, faulty, sort-of-God’s-ideas. Truth is overturning, overturning these falsities, errors,
    just as the law of mathematics naturally corrects errors in calculations!


  5. Spirit Viewing life!
    Each action impelled by Mind!
    Each moment Good unfolding!
    Each thought derived from our adored & adoring Father-Mother!
    Ah Life!
    Thank you, Evan, and the precious readers above

  6. Gail, I could not see all of message using Internet Explorer, but when I use FireFox as a browser, it
    all came through beautifully. I’m ready to do those
    dishes with much appreciation. 🙂

    1. yes, Lois, would also recommend that Gail uses Firefox as browser , it is better than explorer!

      Have a nice spirit-event day all !

  7. With the realization that my body is the temple of God and the Holy Spirit lives in me, there is the consciousness that everything I do in thought, word or deed is accomplished by the Christ who lives in me.
    Claude Chan

  8. Thank you, Evan. You have reminded me how to follow Jesus command to demonstrate “unceasing prayer”. Everyone’s comments are a joy

  9. Thanks, Evan and all. Every day is filled with good because God is All. All the details of our day can be filled with love and joy, even the most mundane chores. Then they are no longer “chores,” but unselfed activities which provide us with the “divine energy of Spirit.”

  10. We aren’t overwhelmingly happy always to do some tasks, but if we do them anyway, then I think they are worth twice as much. Just do it anyway.

    If we wait until we have a perfect attitude, perhaps very little would get done in life.

    I liked what you said though…

  11. Your new format is great Evan.
    Thank you for that and for the happy message.
    Christian Science tells me only good is going on.
    Today’s blog put into practice will firm-up our convictions.

  12. Thank you Dr. Chan! I agree that we are the reflection of God and all of our inspiration comes from there as we are each expressing God in all that we do!

  13. Each time I leave a message my comments are always similar. Thank you each and everly one who posts a helpful and useful message especially Evan. I enjoy reading them all.

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