At times people struggling with physical health issues believe their suffering is purely physical, and that the only way to improve is with physical change. But there is a deeper dimension to health that needs to be appreciated for the best outcomes.
As Christian Science explains, health is spiritual. It may be observed outwardly in the form of physical fitness, but it originates in God and comes to us through Spirit.
To experience improved health, it helps to improve spiritually. As our thought aligns with Spirit, we feel Spirit’s dominion and control. The effect is better physical health.
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science writes, “To be every whit whole, man must be better spiritually as well as physically” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 369).
For the best health, be sure to improve spiritually! It brings the best results.
Thank you for this timely reminder Evan, it’s much appreciated!
Awesome Evan … thanks ! Just the reminder I needed xxx
Knowing this for both ourselves and others is so supportive – it’s like putting on the seamless garment of Truth that we can all share and abide with thank you Evan
Health is spiritual. Love this!!
“Mortal belief is a liar from the beginning, not deserving power. It says to mortals “You are wretched!” and they think they are so; and nothing can change this state, until the belief changes. Mortal belief says, “You are happy!” and mortals are so; and no circumstance can alter the situation until the belief on this subject changes. Human belief says to mortals. “You are sick!” and this testimony manifests itself on the body as sickness. It is as necessary for a health-illusion, as for an illusion of sickness, to be instructed out of itself into the understanding of what constitutes health; for a change in either a health-belief or a belief in sickness affects the physical condtion.”
Science and Health 296:31 to 297:11
Wow I needed this reminder. I’ve had a wonderful healing finding my way out of a health belief. I’m working again to work out of a sense of disability. I did it once I can do it again… with God of course!!
“The Science of Mind-healing shows it to be impossible for aught but Mind to testify truly or to exhibit the real status of man.” Science and Health 120: 17-19
This is so comforting and reassuring to acknowledge!
It is so easy to be fooled by mortal mind’s temptation to believe in the physical –
It seems to appear every where we look —
Media, false claims of others, our own perception of ourselves …. are constantly
trying to make us believe in the lies of deception — of false beliefs appearing true.
But like a shadow on a wall, we may try scrubbing, to get it off, but it really
isn’t there. It is just an illusion, like mortal mind’s belief in sickness or anything
that is not God-like. We may also see rainbows on the wall (from sunlight
shining through a prism), and they are like spiritual representations of beauty
surrounding us – God’s Love that is ever-present, even if we can not always
see it. God’s Love is felt through soul and when we are open to reflecting
this light, we do improve spiritually. It is a constant effort to keep our thoughts
in the correct place and not always easy, but it does help us to grow spiritually
and that is a true blessing.
Thankyou Evan just what I needed today! Thankyou Spirit View family for all your blessed thoughts, So helpful , and insightful. Love it.
What “spiritually minded” Means” by Maude A. Stephenson, from the January 7, 1967 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:
“Proper alignment”
Poem by Jean M. Langerman, from the March 19, 1979 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:
When was it ever really up to you?
It’s God who sees you through.
So consciously align yourself
in this and every hour
with the always-present source
of purest power.
And when your will
to His is bent,
you’ll know your God—
Oh J, this poem is balm to my heart. I immediately shared it with two dear friends facing challenges right now. Like ripples in a pond when a stone is tossed, these inspired words will continue to heal and bless.
Now if only I a can follow through and align my thought with Love’s pure power moment by moment.
Again, thank you J, for all that you share and, of course, boundless thanks to Evan and our Spiritview family for this inspired forum.
Utmost wonderful and healing and comforting , this poem! Thank you very much for it, dear J ❤️
This is a lovely poem, J , as are all of the articles you share.
Thank you! It, along with Joan’s mention of the ripples in a pond,
reminds me of Mrs. Eddy’s Pond and Purpose in Misc. Writings:
“As you journey, and betimes sigh for rest ‘beside the still waters,’
ponder this lesson of love. Learn it’s purpose; and in hope and
faith, where heart meets heart reciprocally blest, drink with me
the living waters of the spirt of my life-purpose – to impress
humanity with the genuine recognition of practical, operative
Christian Science”.
Thank you J, for sharing the poem. And Evan, for this powerful reminder. Timely and needed, to be heeded.
Thank you Even for todays Spirit View and also to “J” who included an article from the 1967 CS-Sentinel. Very helpful. I appreciate all the postings and thank all for their thoughts and articles to refer to for more inspiration.
Blessings to all,
with gratitude, Soozie H
Dear Evan,
Every morning, no matter what’s going on in my life, I open this little spiritual treasure box of yours that provides joy, light, inspiration, and reassurance. It is a staple in my arsenal of spiritual tools and has made all the difference in my life-for the better.
Thank you so much!
I read somewhere that health is not a condition of matter, but a condition of Mind (Spirit, divine Mind, God).
Also one of the citations in this week’s lesson is from Science & Health p. 181, “Mind, God, is the source and condition of all existence.” So to know our condition we cannot look to the body to get a true answer, but to God who made us well and maintains us well. The rest of that page, 181, is also very eye-opening. Thanks everyone for being here and sharing insights and wisdom.
Thank you, dear Rose for your so truthful and loving comment; I love it!
Thanks very much dear J for the lovely poem and the link to the article by Maude A. Stephenson. All so helpful!
So awesome, as Andrew said so truely, dear Evan, the valuable treasures you give us today (like all days).
For instance you say so reassuring “as Christian Science explains, health is spiritual, and it totally originates in God and comes to us through Spirit.” It can only come through Spirit if one thinks at the SSB by MBEddy, where it says “…for all is eternal Mind and it’s eternal manifestation, for God (Spirit) is all in all.”
So true also Mrs. Eddy’ sentence in SH Page 369.
Deep thanks to you, Evan for today’s very helpful and needed and healing SpiritView ! ♡
I found the first verse from hymn 42 strengthening and comforting:
Come, Though all-transforming Spirit,
Bless the sower and the seed;
Let each heart Thy grace inherit;
Raise the weak, the hungry feed;
From the Gospel, from the Gospel
Now supply Thy people’s need. ♡
Wow I needed this reminder. I’ve had a wonderful healing finding my way out of a health belief. I’m working again to work out of a sense of disability. I did it once I can do it again… with God of course!!