Be willing and ready to receive

June 5, 2024 | 16 comments

If you ever think you lack, remember that God loves you and loves you and gives you everything you need to prosper in the best ways possible.  

The real issue is not that you lack.  You do not.  The supply that meets your need is before you.  It’s a gift from divine Love.  The pertinent question is, do you recognize it?  Are you ready and willing to receive it? 

16 thoughts on “Be willing and ready to receive”

  1. I am so ready and willing to receive the gift of walking and full mobility.
    I am ready to look and feel like the happy woman in your picture.
    Meanwhile I pray for all to receive the gift of divine Love as we travel in our beautiful world.

    Thank you Evan for guiding thought and sharing inspiration.

  2. Such a beautiful and inspired inspiration, Evan. Thank you for sharing. Many times, I have found, that a belief or an “experience” in lack causes me to dig even deeper into my relationship with God and to be willing to shift gears and accept a broader view of that relationship and of supply — whatever form that supply might take. I find it sometimes necessary to shift directions into new and more innovative ways of seeing and doing things. I have often been led to forgive, love more, see through the mask of victimization, all of which has tended to obscure the infinite relationship of divine Love. But supply of good, of love, of relationships, of needed money never leaves us. It simply can’t because God never leaves us.

  3. I have found by keeping thoughts filled wlth Life, Truth, and Love, the verses taught as a child still are blessing me today. I am reminded of things that made me aware of God’s presence through my favorite prayer said before going to sleep each night. Even now it brings The Love of God ever near.
    Father, Mother, God,
    Loving me.
    Guard me when I
    Guard my little feet
    Up to thee.

    Suddenly was shut down. To get safely connected??? Have tried to get back to this page and suddenly it appeared. Telephone @ 352-787-9346— lots to learn and many words missing from first attempt. Bye for now. Time to stop talking and just listen—With Love =(Love= Loving One Voice Eternally)

  4. Evan says, “The supply that meets your need is before you. It’s a gift from divine Love.” That is a very profound truth. It is mind blowing to hear that we have everything we need, when error shouts so loud about everything that is wrong and lacking and tries to make us feel like our good is far away and we have to work hard with human efforts to regain it. Mrs. Eddy said in Misc Writings that if we trust and wait on God, never doubting, that we’ll have all we need every moment. Thanks to Evan and to all for being here.

  5. God/Love provides in such special ways and to be open to receiving these
    gifts of Spirit is a wonderful inspiration. Thank you Evan and all for this encouragement
    and love. Christ Jesus said ” Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before
    ye ask Him”. How beautiful to know that we are all already provided for and reaping
    the benefits and joy that may seem hidden for the moment, but have always been and
    always will be, and right now, are – comforting our every need.

    I came across this quote by James Allen, who wrote:
    “Cherish your visions; cherish your ideals; cherish the music that stirs in your heart,
    the beauty that forms in your mind; the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts,
    for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these,
    if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built”. Lovely!

  6. “The abundance of God’s goodness that’s right at hand” Mark Unger interviewed by the Journal’s Rita Polatin:

    Expect and Accept…quote by another: “There is a difference between expecting a healing in Christian Science and actually accepting it. To expect healing is to look for it at some future time or to wait with anticipation for it. To accept healing is to receive it, to entertain it or agree with it now. It is right both to expect healing to be manifest in our experiences and to accept the perfection that is ours by divine reflection. When we turn to Christian Science for healing, it is natural for us to expect to be healed. But if we accept the perfection that we learn belongs to man, we commence to eliminate the thought of time, which is mortal, and bring into our experience the truth of Paul’s words (II Cor. 6:2) “Now is the accepted time, behold; now is the day of salvation”. Expectation, like faith, helps us on toward spiritual freedom; but acceptance of the facts of true being through understanding brings healing.”

    1. Thank you dear “J” ! That is a very clear article showing us the abundance God is giving us as His precious children when we open our hearts and minds for the Good God is intending to give us. God is our lovingly caring Father-Mother, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniacting abundant Good!!

      Thank you dear Evan for your short but profound SpiritView! “The supply that meets our need is right before us” also stood out to me, so as Rose said. And, yesss I am also ready and willing to receive the healing, so as Susan said.

      Thank you all for your wonderfully metaphysical and loving comments. I cherish them all very much!

  7. Thank you for bringing up the right question, as well as the reassurance, Evan! Just what I needed to reaffirm today.

  8. I have seen a magnet that says, ” I plan. God laughs”. Sometimes the plans we humanly
    Think we want are not at all what God wants, for us, so we need to always be open to
    any idea that comes along. When I was desperately looking for a place to live, as I had
    sold my home and had to be out by a certain time, in the middle of winter … every place,
    and there were few available, just did not seem right. Like in the wonderful article J shared –
    thank you, J , I, too, had painted and fixed up for the new owners and kept knowing that
    my right place, at the time, was waiting for me. The time was close where I Had to find a
    place and was (humanly) willing to “settle” for a trailer that needed a lot of work that was obvious with many covert repairs, lurking that I couldn’t see.
    I had put my priority focus on the low land taxes, and was ready to put a binder on the property,
    (was actually all ready to write a check) when “the thought” – (God’s direction) whispered … no,
    … Yelled … “What are you Doing???!” and that I should have the roof looked at by a carpenter,
    first. Long story, short, there was much needed work and it just was Not meant to be.
    After I Listened to that guidance and realized God had a much Better place in Mind, I found something much more desirable and that has met my needs. It just goes to prove that
    listening to God’s direction is always what is necessary and our pathways are led to what Mind/God/Love nudges us towards and not what human will sometimes tries to veer us
    otherwise, in another direction. I have been learning to let God lead, for Mind knows best
    what is right for us … when, where and how.

    1. Wow, wonderful dear Angel, thank you very much. for your lovely testimony. From your testimony and the Podcast, J gave us we see that listening to God only leads us to the right inspired decision.♡

  9. Sometimes we don’t know what it is that we need to receive. I had a friend who was in a mental turmoil because his wife left him. The divorce was in litigation and the lawyers were cleaning up. I was talking to him from time to time and prayed but no movement. Then I read a testimony in a CS periodical and the practitioner said “you know, sooner or later you are going to have to forgive them.” I thought, of course, my friend needs to forgive….but should I say it out loud? God directed me to not say anything UNTIL I could see him as a forgiver. How can he forgive unless he is a forgiver? He had been thinking he lacked peace, happiness, companionship, closure. I was thinking along these “lack” lines too, then added ‘“lacks forgiveness” to the list. I wanted to change his thought, but God told me to change mine. I started turning my thought around. Forgiveness is my friend’s way forward, and no, he doesn’t lack forgiveness, he IS a forgiver. This took a few weeks for me to truly see him this way. Then, I was ready to tell him. Once he knew what direction he needed to go in, he started to take steps to change his thinking and forgave her. Divorce went through in two weeks. Found a new wife in the next year. To tell him, “Oh, you don’t lack a thing, just accept what you have” would not have solved the problem.

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