Be willing to sacrifice

April 16, 2013 | 2 comments

Sacrifice self to bless one another, even as God has blessed you.


~ Mary Baker Eddy

Miscellaneous Writings, page 155


Powerful words…
If you find yourself in the midst of a heated argument, be willing to sacrifice self—to sacrifice some pride, ego and self-righteousness so that a more congenial conversation can transpire and enable the people involved to work out their differences.
If you are beset with worry and doubt about the future, be willing to sacrifice some self—some fear—in order to see God’s plan more clearly that is leading you forward.
If you are upset that a co-worker got promoted and you didn’t, be willing to sacrifice some self—some envy and jealousy—so that the two of you can still be friends.
If you are super busy in your work, and your spouse cries out for some help at home, be willing to sacrifice some self—some time and space—in order to jump in and help.
If you are in any way caught up into your own little world of self-importance, be willing to sacrifice some self-centeredness to see the good you can do for another with a little more thought and attention to their needs. The good you do for them will come back to you in multiples.
As God has loved you, love one another.

2 thoughts on “Be willing to sacrifice”

  1. That is exactly what C/S is teaching me, to sacrifice material self importance for the greater good which is God importance. By doing this, little by little, enables me to reflect the reality that I am in God’s image and likeness and can only accomplish that which God wants me to. How happier I will become doing the above instead of sircoming to error’s false influence.

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