Be wise about diagnosis

February 13, 2023 | 34 comments

A physical diagnosis of disease — since mortal mind must be the cause of disease — tends to induce disease.

~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 370

If you want to stay healthy, focus on what keeps you healthy. Focus on spiritual truth!!

Thought filled with spiritual truth brings healthy conditions to the body. Thought filled with images of disease, fear about it, and worry over it, brings the opposite.

If you want to diagnose, diagnose Truth. See spiritual reality and let it take over your perspective and heal you of whatever appears to be on the body, but doesn’t belong there.

See what God sees and stay well.

34 thoughts on “Be wise about diagnosis”

  1. such an important reminder as we are tenpted sometimes..thank you Evan for all your beautiful and inspiring posts❣️

  2. Evan I love the simple idea that we can “see spiritual reality and let it take over our perspective” and this equals healing. To just let Truth overtake us or take control of us.

    We’re fed many messages every day that try to tell us we are a body subject to many discords. I always mute the TV commercials that promote these ideas but I’m often left feeling annoyed and irritated that they are there and that I can’t always mute them fast enough to keep from hearing what I don’t want to hear. But that annoyance/irritation isn’t spiritually correct either. I read somewhere that it’s better to just immediately counter in thought the false message with a true spiritual counterfact and leave it there.. When I remember to do this I feel more peaceful, it feels empowering to express dominion over untruths.

    Happy New week to everyone!

    1. Rose, thank you so very much for your spot-on spiritual approach to dealing with the very aggressive mental suggestions that seem to constantly bombard us from our TV.

    2. Thank you Rose for your comment. For me it’s not only the commercials in TV but also on the internet. Just before I get to my mails I always get a lot of no good commercials. But I can click them away.
      I am utmost grateful to Evan for giving us lovingly spiritual food for the day. Often I pray to be able to see what God sees, namely only Good!!!

      1. … only seeing the children of God, my brothers and sisters and friends!
        I love all the comments here and they are helpful and I thank you all very much!⚘

    Thanks so much for bringing this important topic to light! Good to see the reasoning behind it.
    Helen Bauman writes:”Since sickness is illusion, it must be dealt with as illusion, never as a condition with cause and law to produce it. Unless sickness leaves one as illusion, it has not really departed. To face disease as a supposition, without substance, without law, without reality, without source, is to undermine its claim to existence. Whereas wondering what the name of a disease may be, while ignoring the mortal thoughts that have produced it, tends to give disease power to cling to consciousness.”

    1. ONENESS:

      How lovely, Diane, to find your reference here to Helen Wood Bauman. Mrs. Bauman was Editor of the Periodicals for many years and was still in that capacity at the time of my class instruction with her. She neither sat nor stood in front of her roomful of thirty students but walked among us and engaged someone in discussion of a particular point. As my seat was at the far end of row one, I could hear her saying as she walked, “The Fact is the Law.” Then, of course, we all heard her discussion with anyone seated anywhere in the room.

  4. If we’re tempted to believe a diagnosis based on material sense which knows nothing of our true nature, we can change our perspective and get the spiritual sense from Genesis, the only true diagnosis. “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
    (Genesis 1:31)”

  5. Thank you Evan.’To be aware only of the diagnosis of Truth’ what a wonderful thought. In this way no thought of disease comes into play in one’s life, thus leads man to greater assurance of health as a condition of Mind, not disease.

  6. EXCELLENT point Evan and you have said it perfectly and succinctly! To me, diagnosing equals “identifying with”. how many times do we hear people say “MY asthma”…”MY gut problems” etc…and also when they finally GET a diagnosis, they are so happy! ….. to be labelled with a disease that they can now identify as THEIRS forever! ???

    It is easy to say “my …hurts” as well…and again we are identifying ourselves as material and weak beings influenced randomly by accidents and happenings ..even simply being born “with” a certain problem. I know I have identified (for years and years) with a particular problem and this post today has again woken me up to that, so thank you so much.

    1. Good point, Diane. In high school I took French and the teacher explained that in French they do not use MY head or whatever; they say THE head or knee or whatever hurts, etc. So I have tried to remember to do that too. And most of my life I have not had aches and pains . However, lately I am having to deal with such false claims and realize I have said MY hips hurt, etc. This is a good reminder.

  7. Thank you Evan, and thank you for all who commented.

    What immediately came to mind for me was: “Spirit and its formations are the only realities of being. Matter disappears under the microscope of Spirit”. (S&H p 264: 20-21)

    I will keep my spiritual microscope at hand for myself and my fellow man.

  8. I have recently seen a quote that said, “In a society that profits from your
    self doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act”. Putting this into a spiritual
    perspective, we, as children of God can Rebel against any form of mental
    beliefs that are constantly bombarding us with this illness or that. Fear
    seems to Sell and get people believing in untruths that they may not have
    otherwise fallen for. Truth, or God, dispels these beliefs and sees each one of
    us as Perfection, a reflection of only good, no disease = dis ease. .
    Thank you all for such helpful thoughts in the rebellion over what matter would
    present itself with. Such Love expressed here.

  9. I echo the remarks made by everyone here today. I feel so very grateful to have this wonderful inspiration and to remember that we need to guard our thought from the intrusion of mortal mind, which broadcasts its false material claims nearly constantly through commercial enterprises looking to promote products. Whether the claim is about aging, heredity, contagion or any of the other myriad false claims of mortal mind — they’re all FALSE without any aspect of Truth, and they can never rise to the occasion of Truth.

  10. Each new day, I ask God to diagnose my day, my health and in His diagnoses, to be sure and let me know what Not to see and believe, if not good, and keep only what He Knows. This helps me keep my thought uplifted; ABOVE any “matter based beliefs” I need to stay away from allowing into my thinking!!
    I used to play a game like this with young Sunday school students. I put little thoughts on pieces of colored paper in a jar. Each child pulled one out, we read it and then decided if it was from God. If so, it was put in a “keeper jar”. If it was not a Good thought, and not then from God, they threw it in the trash can. They really enjoyed this little game and it opened a great discussion for that day with thoughts from that week’s lesson. I guess, I am continuing to play that game each day. My sweet son has said since he was little, “if it is not good, it’s not from God, and I don’t even have to think about it” …. Oh, how the thoughts from a child are so wonderful!! The good thing is, no matter our “age”, we are All children of God and are capable of Knowing this Truth each moment
    Have a wonderful new week!!

    1. Caydee thank you so much, love that game. What an inspiring and fun way to teach children (of any age, including adults). Someone enterprising should come out with an actual product like this.

  11. I find that not watching tv except if there’s a movie on cable, is a great way to keep those mortal suggestions out of thought and also muting the audio keeps them away. Thanks to all for your helpful suggestions.

  12. A good article, but am not able to attach the link…
    “Can a diagnosis reveal your true identity?” by Beverly Bemis Hawks DeWindt,
    from the June 1995 issue of The Christian Science Journal

  13. Thank you, Evan, I love “diagnose Truth”! That gives us something to replace what we’re denying and denouncing as lies, and to replace the urge to “diagnose” or know the reasons and prospects of what after all we know it’s only a false sense. Thank you!

  14. Thank you to Evan and everyone else commenting today! In our Sunday School Class many years ago we learned a little verse, which I later taught as a Sunday School teacher myself. “IF IT ISN’T GOOD, IT ISN’T TRUE, AND IT DOESN’T BELONG TO ME ……. OR YOU”.
    Simple but effective thinking!

  15. Thank you Evan for this awakening in thought.
    Thank you CayDee loved the Sunday School Game “Keeper Jar”….
    Ellen loved that little verse “IF IT ISN’T GOOD, IT ISN’T TRUE, AND IT DOESN’T BELONG TO ME……OR YOU”.

  16. A wise & trusted friend of mine once helped me to remember that whenever you fear there is something amiss with your body….. stop and remind yourself Mind governs every detail of your health and keeps everything in proper order. There is no need or reason for any further diagnoses.. Truth will eliminate fear and restore order to any seeming malfunction.

  17. ONENESS:

    How lovely, Diane, to find your reference here to Helen Wood Bauman. Mrs. Bauman was Editor of the Periodicals for many years and was still in that capacity at the time of my class instruction with her. She neither sat nor stood in front of her roomful of thirty students but walked among us and engaged someone in discussion of a particular point. As my seat was at the far end of row one, I could hear her saying as she walked, “The Fact is the Law.” Then, of course, we all heard her discussion with anyone seated anywhere in the room.

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