Brighten Up Someone’s Day

June 3, 2014 | 6 comments

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

~ Maya Angelou

6 thoughts on “Brighten Up Someone’s Day”

  1. wonderful picture Evan! It’s easy when we have the heart filled with love that reflects the divine Love.

  2. Thanks so much for including a quote from her. She has been such a good spiritual thinker for many years. I’m glad to see a quote of hers on your blog. This is simplicity of thought.

  3. Oh Vow. What a lovely and noble thought. Am so so thankful to my family and my friends who have been a rainbow when dark clouds of fear and despair were on my horizon. Thanks Evan. Each day the “Spirit View” brings lots of smiles and encouragement to me and my friends, with whom I share.

  4. Excellent thought, filled with the compassion that is always expressed on this blog – and such a lovely tribute to Maya, whose life here was indeed a rainbow in others’ clouds.

  5. Thanks, Evan! I’ve found that a gentle, sincere smile can be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. When it comes from the heart and expresses the love of God it brings sunlight and joy to everyone around.

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