Cast out false beliefs

July 5, 2021 | 22 comments

“Cast out devils,” (Matt. 10:8) Jesus Christ instructed his followers. The word devils could also mean false beliefs, suggestions of disease, hatred, envy, selfishness, or any other inclination of mortal mind that is devilish.

Be a faithful disciple! If ever intruded upon by a devilish suggestion, be quick to cast it out!

Don’t hesitate. Don’t dilly-dally. Don’t pander to it, consider it, converse with it, or acquiesce to it. Cast it out—promptly!

If you hear a suggestion knocking at your mental door saying, “I might get sick.” Cast it out!

If you think, “Infection is possible.” Cast it out!

If you are tempted to get mad at another person. Cast the temptation out!

If you think, “I lack.” Cast it out!

If you feel sorry for yourself and are indulging self-pity, cast it out!

You have God-given dominion to live healthy, strong, and free of all evil. With Christ, you are never weak, helpless, or compromised. You are empowered to stand up for what is right, live the right, and demonstrate the good life God has given you to live.

All forms of evil are false beliefs of different shades and characters. You don’t need any of them hanging around in your consciousness. They are not your friend. Do yourself a grand favor. Cast them out! And live free of their influence.

22 thoughts on “Cast out false beliefs”

  1. ‘ I sought the Lord and he answered me and delivered me from ALL my fears.’ Ps 34 v4
    This is a favourite bible verse for me…and not just in times of trouble. I find it pro-active too!.
    ‘ you have God given dominion to live healthy, strong and free of ALL evil.’ I love this sentence Evan…thank you.
    If you spend time “casting out “ it’s so important to replace it with confidence in Gods Love…
    Love to all.❣️

    1. Thank you Evan, excellent SV.

      Thank you Barbara for this verse.

      Thinking about “casting out” and then “casting off”, as one does in knitting, with perfect work the result.


    1. Thank you for this wonderful article, Angie. And thank you, Evan, for a great reminder to “throw out the trash”! ❤️

  2. Thank you. Just what I needed this morning as strong suggestions of sickness tried to gain entrance to my thought. I stood porter as we are instructed. I’m up and heading out to do some weeding now . So grateful for Christian Science.
    Love to all.

    1. Thanks for sharing that demonstration CRL. I also had to cast out a false belief early this morning.

      There were some very loud voices disturbing my sleep from some people moving in and doing repairs in the backyard area of the house next to mine. The houses are very close together. I started to get upset and feel vulnerable, as this has been happening on and off for a more than a week. But no, then I turned away from the temptation to believe that children of God could harm or disturb other children of God. I began affirming that nothing can interfere with my peaceful enjoyment of my home, because God is in charge of that, not persons. I continued to affirm that my peace and their peace cannot be diminished. I cannot harm them and they cannot harm me. Only God was (is) present. In less than a minute the voices silenced and I gently returned to sleep. It felt so good to acknowledge the truth for me and for these neighbors and really this principle is true for everyone.

      Grateful that, as Evan said, we have God-given dominion and authority to throw out evil beliefs (lies) into the trash bin. Thank you all!

  3. Thank you Evan for your clear inspiration, it is sooo helpful.
    And thanks also to all the contributors today, much good going on today and every day, I feel so blest!!!
    Thank you God of Heaven and earth, you are amazing.

  4. Standing porter at the door of thought! I love it, Great start to my morning. Doing it right now! Thanks Evan and Angie’s article.

  5. Can you imagine if everyone weeded their gardens of consciousness with this inspiring Spiritview (thank you Evan) and great comments by its followers? World consciousness would respond/express an amazing garden of progress/beauty/substance for all. Deeply grateful.

  6. Evan! So grateful for this empowering post! I love how you get straight to the point accurately , and understandably- one never asks oneself- what did he mean(?)

  7. Thank you, Evan, for this blog and all of the other inspiring ones you have shared here. Your work is much appreciated!!!

  8. I agree that rejecting false beliefs quickly helps us stay free from all kinds of problems. Letting them linger always gets us into trouble.

    By the way, I’m reading a lot of different articles to stay informed on issues. This blog keeps my thought supplied with health giving, selfless thinking, and God-centered ideas. Thank you so much for thinking of sharing it with others.

  9. The first article in the August Journal, is titled “Conquering “impostor syndrome” in healing.” This is a term I had never heard of before so I looked it up online. Here’s part of what I what I found:
    “Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents, or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. Despite external evidence of their competence, those experiencing this phenomenon remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve all they have achieved.”
    This is an idea that needs to be tossed into the trash can without a second thought.

  10. Thank you to Evan for his concise directions
    Thank you, Angie, for the very helpful article
    Thank you all for your insightful comments
    I appreciate it all

  11. If intruded upon by a devilish suggestion, be quick to cast it out, Evan admonishes us .
    Oh this admonition today is needed for me in order to be watchful to cast out every false thought. At the door of my neighbor today, we stood quite a time and talked until she said that she must go in and sit down, and she meant that her bones get old. When I was in my home again I vehemently had the desire to cast this devilish thought out. I corrected this error with the Truth, Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health with the headline “What is man.” There she says “man is not matter; he is not made up of brain , blood, bones and other material elements. The Scriptures Inform us that man is made in the image and likeness of God.” So that is a wonderfully clear divine truth through which the false thought is immediately cast out. And this way I can go through all devils to be cast out and do so.

    Dear Evan, thank you very very much for your healing waking us up and lifting us up lovingly to the divine reality – lots of love! And lots of love to all SpiritView Friends!♡

  12. Thank you Evan for this reminder to cast out devilish thoughts. I have been inadvertently allowing certain incorrect patterns of thought to play with my peace of mind. Reading the article you’ve shared, has kinda shaken me out of this other so called world of erroneous beliefs & brought me back on the right track.. You are a indeed harbinger of truth, a beacon of light!

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