Category: community

Acts of unselfed love

February 25, 2013 | 5 comments

  You’ve got to watch this short CBS video! It’s a winner. It’s a Steve Hartman piece about Mitchell and his moment of triumph and glory… There are so many spiritual lessons in this Video Clip. Mitchell was worthy. The coach wanted

Giving unselfishly

December 26, 2012 | 4 comments

How successful are you at giving to others without taking thought for yourself? While walking the streets of Washington, DC last fall, I traipsed across a bronze medallion in the sidewalk commemorating the life and work of Clara Barton. Barton

Lecturing in the UK

March 12, 2011 | 7 comments

I flew over to the UK last Tuesday for a week of lecturing in the Liverpool region of England. Kathy, my wife, came along with me, and we are having a grand time. Thursday night I lectured for 3rd Church,

The fall of Mubarak

February 12, 2011 | 8 comments

I rejoiced with the Egyptian people yesterday when I saw footage of them waving flags of victory and shouting for joy at the top of their lungs in Tahrir Square. It seemed unbelievable that Mubarak was actually gone after 30