Category: faith

Be patient when waiting on God’s direction

February 9, 2021 | 19 comments

Sometimes people praying for divine direction wonder whether they are hearing God’s direction or hearing the influence of human will. If you’re not sure, it pays to be patient and continue praying until the direction gets clear. God speaks clearly

Boarding a flight for the New Year

December 31, 2020 | 64 comments

A reader forwarded this flight plan for the New Year to share with you. Enjoy. Welcome aboard Flight #2021. We are preparing for an on-time departure into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Actions are secured and

No more worry

August 24, 2020 | 39 comments

People are worried about a lot of things these days with the upheavals produced in society by the pandemic. Concern about employment, paying the bills, how to care for children, how to stay healthy, what to expect tomorrow, and more

Live fearlessly

August 21, 2020 | 40 comments

“Don’t be afraid,” (John 6:20) Jesus said to his disciples as he approached their boat during a storm at sea. Christ says the same to all humanity today. “Don’t be afraid. I am here!” Christ is with us. Christ is