Category: faith

Protection in crowds of people

August 13, 2020 | 26 comments

With the many fears circulating in public consciousness about catching disease if exposed to the coronavirus, it is wise to know ahead of time why you are not going to catch a disease no matter where you are or who

No random error

August 3, 2020 | 39 comments

A while ago, my back suddenly started giving me grief for no apparent reason. When I lifted boxes or turned in certain directions, pain would shoot through my body and cause me to freeze up and not dare to move

Bless the world’s turmoil with peace

June 30, 2020 | 34 comments

There’s a lot of mental turmoil in the world today. With thousands of protestors taking to the streets protesting racism. Rioting at times. Anger and hatred being thrown around on the airwaves with abandon. It might be tempting to start

I quit asking the question

June 18, 2020 | 29 comments

My daughter applied for a part-time teaching position that had the potential to take her in a professional direction she found very attractive. The family was excited about its possibilities for her. Whenever we met, we’d ask, “Did you hear