Category: health

Refuse to be a medium for disease

December 18, 2023 | 43 comments

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Man thinks he is a medium of disease; that when he is sick, disease controls his body to whatever manifestation we see” (Christian Healing, p. 6). In spiritual truth, man is never a medium for disease.

Master evil beliefs

December 15, 2023 | 26 comments

Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, understood the relationship between belief and disease. When explaining how different phenomena appear to the physical senses, she wrote, “When I learned how mind produces disease on the body, I learned how

Hold to healthy images of thought

December 7, 2023 | 23 comments

What images are you holding in thought? Are they healthy images? Are they ideals you wish to live out? Mary Baker Eddy writes, “We possess our own body, and make it harmonious or discordant according to the images that thought

Make time for self-care

September 27, 2023 | 25 comments

“I’m good at taking time out to care for others, but I’m not good at setting time aside to care for myself,” one woman lamented to me. She was a busy homemaker, and everyone in her home was well cared