Looking for more poise?
August 5, 2016 | 13 comments
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” ~ Audrey Hepburn
August 5, 2016 | 13 comments
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” ~ Audrey Hepburn
July 27, 2016 | 21 comments
This is a heartwarming video about a youngster who wanted to touch people in a remarkable way. “Johnny the bagger”
July 12, 2016 | 10 comments
“Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.” ~ Unknown
July 1, 2016 | 7 comments
“I must do something” always solves more problems than “Something must be done.” ~ Author Unknown It’s easy to sit around and complain about troubles that need resolving, and continue to complain while nothing changes. But it’s productive to get
June 3, 2016 | 8 comments
“Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.” ~ William Temple