Category: inspiration

Looking for more poise?

August 5, 2016 | 13 comments

“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

Are you taking action?

July 1, 2016 | 7 comments

“I must do something” always solves more problems than “Something must be done.” ~ Author Unknown It’s easy to sit around and complain about troubles that need resolving, and continue to complain while nothing changes. But it’s productive to get

Humility gets you out of the way

June 3, 2016 | 8 comments

“Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.” ~ William Temple