Category: inspiration

Making sense out of a mess

July 3, 2007 | 2 comments

Have you ever felt like your life was a mess? Like the pieces were not fitting together, and you had little or no evidence of completeness to show for your efforts? What’s the point of continuing? You might begin to

Answers to college student questions

June 5, 2007 | 15 comments

My post “Benefits of sharing Christian Science,” spurred several emails from curious readers wanting answers to the questions I said college students asked me in the comparative religions class I spoke to a week ago. So, here are a few

Watch your mouth

May 22, 2007 | No comments yet

From Woody, one of my readers and favorite story writers: One of my sons decided to ride a bike cross-country to the east coast starting in Montana. This trip became a truly growing experience for him. Upon his return, he

Shiny object polisher

May 19, 2007 | 2 comments

I share the following with you which came in from a reader yesterday because the lesson relates to all of us. When you read it, ask yourself, “How much time do I spend on polishing the shiny objects in my

New blog

May 17, 2007 | 1 comment

I know, I know…I’ve missed a few days posting blog entries recently. But there’s a reason! asked me to start blogging for them a couple of weeks ago, and it’s taken a bit of extra energy and time to