Category: inspiration

True victory

January 3, 2007 | 1 comment

  I do not ask for any crown But that which all may win; Nor try to conquer any world Except the one within. ~ Louisa May Alcott  

New Year planning

December 30, 2006 | 4 comments

As we come upon a New Year and contemplate what lies ahead, it’s reassuring to remember that our future is not at the mercy of fate or chance. There’s a law of spiritual prosperity and progress we can rely upon

Take joy

December 29, 2006 | 1 comment

A poem by Fra Giovanni, (1513) Take Joy There is nothing I can give you, which you have not; But there is much, very much, that while I cannot give it, you can take. No heaven can come to us

God holds you up

December 28, 2006 | 3 comments

I’m not a poet, but occasionally, when praying for a patient and emailing thoughts the words and phrases that appear on my screen pleasantly surprise me. While praying for a patient who feared she didn’t have enough understanding to heal

Loving another

December 27, 2006 | No comments yet

Evan’s maxim for the day: “If you’re having a hard time loving another person, look for something good in that individual, and the good you find gives you a reason to love.”