Category: patience

Listening for God’s voice

February 22, 2013 | 1 comment

Have you ever listened for God’s direction, but not heard anything? It’s happened to me. But eventually a message will come. I told about one instance in a Daily Lift from this past Tuesday. “God is speaking to you”

Exuberance and rising stock markets

January 28, 2013 | 4 comments

The stock market in the USA has been on a bull run for five years now, and market watchers are wondering when it will end, and how badly. There was an illuminating article published last week on CNNMoney, titled, “Bull

Count the cost

January 30, 2012 | 4 comments

Have you ever started a project but were unable to finish? If so, did you “count the cost,” before you started? One time, when Jesus instructed his followers that they had to leave everything to follow him, he shared two parables

Stratford to Watford

October 4, 2011 | 2 comments

Stratford on Avon is a hub of activity with the world-renown Shakespeare Theatre in town and corollary shops, cafes, and tourist’s attractions to keep visitors busy and engaged with local features. Court Jester in Stratford     After prayerfully rejoicing