Category: perseverance

The road that leads to God

January 29, 2020 | 8 comments

What road are you driving today? Where is it taking you? Roads take many different shapes and forms. Some are winding with a myriad of loops, switchbacks, ups and downs. Some feel very safe, like a highway paved through a

Go all out with Truth

January 22, 2020 | 30 comments

A friend shared the following insight on the importance of putting all your faith in the truth of being, and not a lesser percentage. She explained: When you get into an elevator on the 1st floor and want to rise

Finish that project

January 16, 2020 | 9 comments

“Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.” ~ William James If you have important work to do, then do it! If it’s not important, then don’t let it bother you. Let it go and

Master the wintry blasts of earth

January 6, 2020 | 20 comments

Have you faced any “wintry blasts of earth,” recently? Mary Baker Eddy wrote about such events and how blessing can result. She stated, “The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter them to the winds;