Category: progress

No setbacks, only move forwards

May 6, 2020 | 46 comments

When living a spiritually motivated life, what appear to be setbacks to the mortal mind, are but opportunities to move forward with the divine Mind. With divine Mind, there are no limits to how much good you can demonstrate in

There’s always a way

April 29, 2020 | 31 comments

Are you facing a problem that looks like a mountain-sized obstacle ahead with no clear way around? Here’s a spiritual perspective that can help you see past those mountains and leave them behind. I filmed this vlog at the end

Are you thinking like a larva or a butterfly?

April 22, 2020 | 26 comments

Are you feeling like a butterfly today with thought freely flitting from one inspired idea to another, moving here and there with ease and delight, feeling lighter than air, and making a beautiful splash of joyful color wherever you happen

Trust the blessing to come

April 20, 2020 | 11 comments

We don’t always get what we want, but we’ll always get what we most need. Every trial we face serves to bring out a valuable spiritual lesson, which once learned, takes us to a better place than before. Embrace the

Expect to progress

March 5, 2020 | 15 comments

Do you expect to make significant progress today with something important to you? If not, you can! Progress is a law of God. It’s part of living the expansive Life God has given you to live and experience every day.