Category: progress

Let the progress roll on

July 14, 2015 | 19 comments

Never fear progress! I often remind myself. Progress takes us to new places. It requires us to leave outdated practices behind and open to new and improved ways of living. It kicks us out of time-worn ruts and bounces us

Don’t look back

July 3, 2015 | 6 comments

Are you pursuing a worthy goal that others are nay-saying? Is it a goal you know you need to seek because it’s part of a bigger plan working out in your life? Yet, all kinds of questions and doubts nag

Ask God for help

May 7, 2015 | 9 comments

“If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.” ~ James 1:5, NRSV Sometimes we get so absorbed in solving problems on our own that we

What are you waiting for?

April 6, 2015 | 17 comments

Do you ever spend time waiting around for someone else to act before you can progress? Do you ever spend time waiting around for the body to heal before you can feel better? Do you ever wait for weeks, months,