Category: progress

No wasted effort, Part II

January 10, 2013 | 8 comments

On the heels of yesterday’s blog explaining that there is no wasted effort in prayer, comes the opportunity to explain that there is no wasted effort in any human endeavor, whether it turns out the way we’d hoped, or not.

Thinking about others

January 4, 2013 | 8 comments

How much time do you spend helping others? Time spent because you want to, not because you have to? Jesus Christ taught from Scripture that the two most important commands to obey are to have one God and to love

Stay up

December 11, 2012 | 1 comment

Fall down seven times, get up eight times.   ~ Japanese proverb   I’m not into building a case for hard times, “falling down,” or repeated failure. But any honest soul knows from experience that life is not always easy. There

Don’t give up now

December 6, 2012 | 18 comments

The below is a letter I wrote in reply to a Christian Science practitioner who was very discouraged and disheartened after praying for a patient who eventually passed on. She was wondering whether to stay in the practice or not.

Act on those ideas!

November 15, 2012 | 4 comments

Ideas won’t keep: something must be done about them. ~Alfred North Whitehead Do you have lots of great ideas, but they remain only ideas that never take an outward form? They get stashed away in backroom mental storehouses that rarely get