Category: progress

Do something about the problem

February 23, 2010 | 3 comments

Obstacles? Deal with Them Now By Brian Cavanaugh An old farmer had plowed around a large rock in one of his fields for years. He had broken several plowshares and a cultivator on it and had grown rather morbid about

If you feel stuck, maybe you need to move

February 12, 2010 | 4 comments

I busted out laughing when I watched this video clip… Too often we get so dependent on material support systems that we don’t think we can live without them. When they fail, we feel stranded, stuck and unable to move.

The value of blogging

January 25, 2010 | No comments yet

I chuckled when I read this article forwarded to me by a friend, titled, “Pope to priests: Go forth and blog.” Churches around the world are learning the value of getting online and communicating with the millions searching for spirituality

The benefits of helping the poor

January 17, 2010 | 3 comments

While praying for the safety and recovery of the Haiti people and sending money for their relief from the recent devastating earthquake, I’ve pondered the question, “Why do I need to pray for their well being and help their cause?

Expect progress in the New Year

January 1, 2010 | 4 comments

A New Year is upon us. Welcome 2010! I love January 1st. It symbolizes a new start, a fresh beginning, a new set of possibilities and opportunities on the immediate horizon. It’s a day to acknowledge accomplishments of the past