Category: sight

The position you take is important

November 29, 2011 | 2 comments

I viewed a most fascinating mural at the Jaggar Museum in Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. Take a look. Here’s the same mural from two different vantage points. Notice anything different? From the right side   From the left side The

Where are you looking

June 24, 2011 | 3 comments

I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward.     ~ Charlotte Brontë The goodness of God is not ahead of us in some improved worldly condition or circumstance. The blessings of God are

Choose to see good in others

June 15, 2011 | 8 comments

We make hundreds of decisions every day, and one of those decisions involves how we see others. Some people seem to have an attitude that everyone has a shortcoming. They note how others either don’t dress right, aren’t proper in

Watch out for the illusions

June 1, 2011 | 4 comments

Wanna have a little fun? Here’s a short video clip that reveals how wrong reports via the eyes can be. I showed this illusion in static form to my Association a few years ago via Powerpoint, and I think some