Check your Spirit status

October 2, 2024 | 24 comments

How are you doing today?  

Wait!  Don’t check the body before you answer the question.  You might not like the answer you find.

Check with Spirit!

Ask, what does Spirit know about me?  What is true about me from God’s point of view?

Material conditions are temporal beliefs of mortal mind that ebb and flow according to the mood of mortal mind.  They aren’t a reliable indicator of your true status with God in Spirit.

Skip the temporal and go right to the eternal.  

What does God know?  What does God see?  That’s what you want to know and see too for the best outcome.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Sin, sickness, and death must disappear to give place to the facts which belong to immortal man…Learn this, O mortal, and earnestly seek the spiritual status of man, which is outside of all material selfhood” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 476).

Seek out your Spirit-status with God before answering the question, “How are you doing today?”  Check with God first.  The outcome is much better.

24 thoughts on “Check your Spirit status”

  1. Thank you for this reminder to check with God before answering the question “How are you today?” I usually get asked that question several times a day from friends or relatives via email or text, or by neighbors I encounter when walking to the mailbox, etc. I will “Pause, wait on God” to get a spiritual inspiration for a spiritual reply.

    1. Your reply especially, means the best results, to “wait on God”. Actively leaning into the ‘wait’ part, Sorted out some conflicting “human” answers today while serving at our CSRR downtown, with favorable results. Finally figured out today’s date by looking at the CS literature on the shelves at the CSRR, after finding the wall calendar presented conflicting information about today’s date. God rightly led me to fact check all my duties, making corrections where needed. The door was locked, and the duties were fulfilled, as I headed home. Full of gratitude for being led by the Divine mind.

  2. Thank you, Evan., I so appreciate this thought to start the day. And your comments too, Helen, thank you! 🙂

  3. I always answer “great!” A friend once asked me why my reply was always “great”? And my reply was because I am., she further commented that surely at some point I’m not well? I told her that if that is ever the case, I ask God what I need to know, and my reply is to tell others that I’m great. I want to hear what good things are happening in your life. Not a list of your complaints, as gratitude brings riches. That same person who would comment with complaints now tells me good things.

  4. Thank you very much, Evan for today`s very helpful spiritual views! Will think of this often today!
    Presently I’m not asked “how I’m doing”, as I am not so often in contact with others.
    But yes, that’s wonderful, “check with God first, then the outcome is best” I would say.

  5. This is a very important and instructive SpiritView with a message we can all take to heart and practice every day. Thank you, Evan.

  6. Often out of a formality, we are asked or ask others, ” Hi – How ya doin today?” It is
    often more trite than really deeply meant.. But to truly care about others and ourselves
    is so important and to see all in the light of God’s Love…the very best way to check our
    and other’s spiritual status. A friend/cashier at a local store always gives the saying
    at the end of a transaction, “Have a Glorious day!” and she means it. It is not just the
    same old, tired, “Have a good day” repetition that is so overused and usually not
    heart-felt. I always leave that store feeling, Yes, it IS a glorious day! as it is today and
    every day, (even though sometimes it may not always feel that way… but it is). Have
    a Glorious day, Everyone! : )

    1. Thank you, Carol, for your description and suggestions.
      “ Have a glorious day” is good, also I like to use : “enjoy your day”,
      Have a bright day everyone!☺️

      1. Thank you, Pp. These thoughts of our spiritual status are very helpful
        in comfort for my friend in NC, whom I still have not heard is alright.
        I don’t know anyone else who knows her, so keep holding her and
        others affected by Helena in prayers. I found Evan’s declaration that
        “material conditions are temporal beliefs of mortal mind that ebb and
        flow according to the mood of mortal mind. They aren’t a reliable
        indicator of y[our] true status with God in Spirit”. I know my friend’s
        true existence is spiritual, as are every one’s who seem to be suffering
        from any sort of experience detrimental to God’s power, which is eternal.

  7. Whenever anyone asked my dad (who was a Christian Scientist) “How are you? He always answered, “I’m fine and so are you”! Such a perfect , concise , healing, reply. ❤️

    1. I really like your father’s reply Desert Girl. People probably appreciated hearing the declaration that they are fine, though I can imagine that some would be surprised at hearing that and try to disagree and start listing reasons why they are seemingly not fine (from a mortal viewpoint). But it is a powerful and true statement that, “I am fine, and so are you!”


    2. Blessed reply, so thank you very very much for your contribution; “concise, healing, perfect reply”

  8. I usually answer “I’m fine thanks” or “I’m good”. I don’t usually ask people how they are because I already know they are perfect 🙂

  9. I’ve found myself answering the “how are you” question with a simple “I’m well, thank you” knowing that in Truth, all is well. But I appreciate Evan and others’ reminders to mentally back that up with an acknowledgment that Spirit is the source and only cause of my and everyone’s wellness.

  10. Today’s blog makes me think of Mrs. Eddy’s directive, “Rise in the strength of Spirit to resist all that is unlike good. God has made man capable of this, and nothing can vitiate the ability and power divinely bestowed on man.” (SH 383:12)

    I ponder this statement often and love that it’s Spirit that enables us to “rise and shine and give God the glory,” That’s the refrain from a children’s song I used to sing with my kiddos. I haven’t outgrown it’s energetic message.

    Thank you, Evan and SpiritView friends for today’s inspiration that wakens thought and moves us forward.

  11. Thanks Evan. I appreciated, “Material conditions are temporal beliefs of mortal mind that ebb and flow according to the mood of mortal mind.” I chuckled when I read the words “the mood of mortal mind.” We sometimes say we are moody or in a “bad mood.” Now from what you said I can see that is not possible, only mortal mind can seem to have moods that go up and down, while we (the expression of God) can remain constant in our Joy because we reflect an unchanging, Joyful God.

    Also the Daily Lift of Sept. 30, 2024 fits nicely with today’s message.
    It says, in part, “Would you consult a toddler for financial advice? No! But it’s not that different than when you consult the body to determine how healthy you are. Because what could a physical body possibly inform you about God’s spiritual image and likeness…”

    This Daily Lift page also has a link to a written account of the testimony by Brian Webster.

    A Loving and Blessed day to everyone!

  12. I have found that quite often when you say, “Hello, how are you?”. and it is just
    meant to be a friendly greeting, not an invitation! – they will start to tell you
    all about their ailments1 So I try to avoid using that greeting. I may say, Hello,
    good to see you” or something like that. If someone says “How are you” to me,
    and I am not feeling my best at that moment, I will say” “God says I am very
    well, thank you.”. This usually raises a smile and it, and nothing else needs to
    be said.

    I like Desert Girl’s reply made by her Dad – “I’m fine, and so are you”.

  13. Hi Maggie; I like your reply: “God says I am very well, thank you!” That is the absolute Truth about you and me and us all, very nice.♡

  14. Thank you Evan to “Check with Spirit” first. Thank you also to Rose from New York for the link to the Daily Lift and Brian Webster’s testimony. Everyone had other good suggestions.

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