Cherish health

February 19, 2021 | 31 comments

With so many warnings about Covid prevalent in society today, it is necessary to stay clear on the truth about health to prevent any suggestion of Covid from entering thought and taking up residence.

Mary Baker Eddy told us why when she wrote,

“We weep because others weep, we yawn because they yawn, and we have smallpox because others have it; but mortal mind, not matter, contains and carries the infection. When this mental contagion is understood, we shall be more careful of our mental conditions, and we shall avoid loquacious tattling about disease, as we would avoid advocating crime. Neither sympathy nor society should ever tempt us to cherish error in any form, and certainly we should not be error’s advocate”
(Science and Health, p. 153).

If you want to stay healthy, be sure to cherish health! Know that your health comes from God and is never threatened by any mortal fear or false belief concerning Covid.

Health is spiritual, a permanent part of your being as a child of God. It is not vulnerable. It is immortal.

To stay well, cherish the truth about health, and have no fear of Covid.

31 thoughts on “Cherish health”

    1. Dear Martine,
      The article by L. Ivimy Gwalter, is absolute. It is so applicable to today’s subject.
      It helped me this morning especially concerning “old health”.
      I wanted to thank you for finding it, out of all the many helpful articles available.
      Health is not a condition of matter. It is the only condition of mind, perfect health, perfect man as the reflection of God.
      Thank you.

      1. This great article was in pamphlet form when I first read it years ago. I remember being in a busy restaurant,and yet being profoundly impressed with it — I didn’t have to be in a quiet place. It touched me right where I was, and it helped me right away.

    2. A big thank you from me, also, Martine for this article. I remember reading it years ago, and
      finding it a great help then, so it is very good to be reminded of it. It has some really strong
      metaphysical statements in it to work with.
      I am also grateful that SpiritView is once again coming into my inbox.

    3. I’m in awe of this article. A good reminder that health is holiness and unchangeable. I was 3 when this was written and had a beautiful healing of a bad case of skin disease that year. I’m sure the thoughts and prayers of all who read it contributed to my healing! Thanks for sharing, Martine!

    4. Martine this article is fantastic just what I needed this cold morning, Thank you very much I’ve printed it out, so I can refer to it when needed

  1. Found this in an article I was re-reading by Lona Ingwerson. The poet is J Woodruff Smith CS

    ‘Where did it begin this idea called you? In Genesis 1 or Genesis 2?
    So, what is your name?
    There they both stand.
    Which one is you?
    Is it immortal man one,
    Or mortal man two?
    If you’re immortal man one, you know what you’re worth
    For, according to law, you’ll inherit the earth.
    But if you’re just mortal and made out of dust….
    Is there anything to you that’s worthy of trust?
    No, the thing they call man
    In Genesis 2
    Is the dream of the dreamer…it NEVER was YOU.
    So, know what you are
    Take your place in the sun

    Thank you as ever Evan. Happy Day all.❣️


    Hope it opens. If not it is in the February 20,1995

    She told about being seasick and listening for an
    answer, the thought came about having a
    snowflake in thought and then going into a 100
    degree centigrade sauna. Would the snowflake
    “The very idea of trying to melt a “mental”
    snowflake by “real” temperature made me
    She had her healing.

    I sent this, it didn’t appear. If it somehow does
    twice, I apologize.

  3. I also thank you Martine. I have printed this article, which is just perfect, for someone in need. Thank you Evan for today’s blog that showed up in my email. And thank you everyone for your inspiring comments,

  4. Thank you for this piece. So helpful! And the picture is fabulous! Those laughing smiles – and no masks!!!

  5. So grateful for this blog. The daily inspiration Evan shares is much appreciated. Also, the comments from readers who direct us to helpful articles, citations, or hymns are an added benefit. Thank you .

  6. Thank you Evan for another great Spiritview! Loved the articles shared and comments that were so relevant to today’s subject! 🙂

  7. Thank you so much, Evan. Yes we will cherish our health, our forever gift from a loving Father and Mother. When you wrote that we are not vulnerable, I thought of a precious CS practitioner that I met while in Cuba. She recounted her story of taking over the running of their farm after her husband passed on, amidst all the nay-saying of the machismo environment. She was a very petite woman and yet so strong. She put her arms and thumbs up saying, “Yo es fuerte! Yo is fuerte!” We can all shout out the truth as she did, “I am strong! I am strong!”

  8. Health is the consciousness of the unreality of pain and disease; or, rather, the absolute consciousness of harmony and of nothing else.
    (Rudimental Divine Science, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 11:13–15)

  9. Thanks, Martine, for that most helpful article. I have forwarded it to myself to have it available for further study and and also to a friend. And thanks to all for the articles and comments.

  10. Loved, “Health is spiritual, a permanent part of your being as a Child of God”. We don’t have to do anything to make this be so, it is the truth of being. Thank you…..and love to all in the SpiritView community, blessed weekend to all!

  11. Thank you to all who share and especially to dear Martine for the wonderful link that my little dog and I are listening to this evening in the near dark, knowing that he is perfect, whole and free of any lie or limitation that would try to impose on him regarding aging or other so-called difficulties that claim to go along with it and we are both loving the Truth we are hearing that sets us both and all. free,
    as spiritual ideas of God, made perfect, eternally! Thanks again to all!

  12. Oh yes, dear Evan, I cherish my God-given health very much. In my schoolyears I saw health as my normal physical state. At that time a dear practitioner told me, that health is the greatest present from God. Oh yes at that time, after she said it to me, I was very aware of it.. Today I know that health is not physical, it is absolute spiritual, and therefore perfect. Yes it is the most wonderful present, God gave and permanently gives us – am so grateful to have learned it. Also when it seems that we have to work something out, we can know that we are always God`s perfect and healthy reflection, what is our only real state of being.
    Thank you very much Evan for your spiritual views which are always very helpful and needed!
    And thank you all for your wonderful comments and links to gorgeous articles.

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