Conquering fear

August 13, 2024 | 21 comments

Fear arises from trusting in evil.

Calm and peace arise from trusting God.

Which are you trusting today?

21 thoughts on “Conquering fear”

  1. I PICK CALM AND PEACE !!! It must be easy to slip into a fearful mindset, but thank you for turning my thought around to better things. The bees are precious.

    1. I’m with you Rhonda! I trust God today and claim my divine right to calm and peace. When it feels hard to trust, we can humbly ask God to help us trust Him more. He is infinitely bigger and greater than the blathering loud nothingness of mortal mind’s weak words.

      Thank you Evan for keeping our thought on the joyous straight and narrow path.

  2. Amazing photo! Clearly, bees have no fear building bridges while trusting their ability to accurately reflect God’s intelligence, ever available to all.
    Thanks sincerely Evan, for this thought provoking photo, & decisive idea to choose wisely & trust God, supremely.

  3. Thanks Evan:
    i’m so greatful that i can tust God completly
    with all my seeminly problems, and they sre resolved. Because in reality, they donot exist.

  4. I love SpiritView! Every one of the shared ideas, Evan, are a perfect way to start a day.
    And thank you all for the reflective comments shared here!

  5. l love the picture, so inspiring as they trust implicitly the bee in front, never doubting.Trusting good. Thank you Evan.

  6. It only feels right when we trust in God. We were born in the idea of evil being real more real than good. It takes time until the scales tip and feel at home with God/ Good

  7. That looks like a beeline to me – and the definition of a beeline in the dictionary is
    is: “a straight direct course.” So this picture can inspire us to make a beeline for
    the infinite provision for every one of us to God’s abundant supply.
    Let us not be tempted by material subtle suggestions,
    to leave this life-line. The Bible tells us that the promised Saviour would
    eat butter and honey all the days of his life. So let us make that beeline straight to the
    same butter and honey of our Saviour – the pure spiritual supply that never runs out,
    and meets every human need.

  8. I looked up the meaning of bees.focus, dedication,
    hard work, teamwork, generosity,, prosperity,
    spiritual messengers.
    All that from those little guys.
    I wonder how much fear they carry with them.
    They are busy living their bee-ness.
    Let us, be, as busy living our spiritual ness.

    Love the picture. Thanks.
    The definition isn’t Biblical, but puts wonderful qualities with them. Those qualities are perfect for ur to express.
    Those qualities are a fear eraser.

    1. Lovely, MB – thank you for delving further into the nature and business of
      Yes, bees just go about doing what they were designed to do,
      and seemingly without fear. And the citation from S&H comes to
      mind that says that all of God’s creatures, moving in the harmony of
      Science are harmless, useful and indestructible.

      As we are also God’s creatures, but the highest ideas of God, as MBE says,
      we also have the same qualities. So we are made fearless to do all that God has
      designed us to be able to do, and we can put all our trust
      in God who will never fail us. We can go about our day calmly and
      peacefully when we relialise that fact.

  9. Sometimes fear and mistrust come from seeing or reading something
    the wrong way or misinterpreting it. Sometimes bees are seen as destructive,
    harmful .. and something to be swatted at, rather than cherished for their
    symbiotic nature. With gardening, bees are so helpful in getting produce and
    flowers to grow and thrive and are often taken for granted … When I hear a
    bee humming along amongst the plants, it is such a lovely sound and I love
    how it, along with others of God’s creatures, like Maggie above had shared,
    from Mrs. Eddy’s sweet passage, are “moving in harmony” with each other.

  10. “Bee” not afraid, for I Am Thy God, I will help thee, for I will uphold thee with the right hand if my righteousness”.

  11. As I approach a long plane flight, I am once again comforted in knowing I am protected, upheld. My fear is not real; I am in God’s care wherever I am. “Shepherd show me how to go, o’er the hillside steep.”

    1. Dear Christine God is the pilot, the co-pilot, the One upholding, guiding, controlling and directing your gentle, lovely flight. It’s good to hear you affirm that you’re in His care wherever you are, you know it and you claim it. You don’t even have to say “my fear,” it is not yours, no part of you. Gliding and landing in God’s arms.

  12. Wow, I’ve never thought of myself as “trusting evil” but if I’m fearful, then I’m clearly not trusting God…. Thanks Evan for this startling reminder to really watch my thinking.

  13. Thank you Evan love this photo, and all the inspiring comments. Janib,: reflecting God’s intelligence ever available to all. Maggie: Beeline” a straight direct course”. MB: focus, dedication, hard work, teamwork, generosity, prosperity. Definitely a fear eraser.
    Fear is being erased in my thought and healing being realized.
    So very grateful for Christian Science.
    How can I keep from singing Hymn 533
    Oh I forgot Chris B thanks for the LOL moment!
    Dear Christine Addison I happen to love flying, not so much when there’s turbulence. When I am going anywhere I remember these words Divine Mind directs, Divine Love protects..
    Hugs to all Renis

  14. ❤️ Thank you, Evan.

    Every day and on Election day I affirm God is the only Government bringing Peace-Prosperity-Health-Healing for this country, and it does the same for our world.

    Mrs. Eddy’s article ‘Ways That Are Vain’, is wonderful to study & work with.

    In “Ways That Are Vain” (My. 210:18) Mrs. Eddy speaks of the great need to expose the “error that is damning men” – namely, animal magnetism. She states that many victims of animal magnetism “are sticklers for a false, convenient peace…they are too cowardly, too ignorant, or too wicked to uncover [this wrong], and excuse themselves by denying that this evil exists…. All that error asks, is to be let alone.”

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