Declare your independence

July 4, 2016 | 12 comments

Today is Independence Day in the United States. It’s a time when citizens celebrate our country’s independence from foreign country domination that tried to hold sway centuries ago. It was a hard-fought battle, but victory was won.

We each fight dark powers of this world at times that would dominate our thought, body, relationships or careers. And we need to declare and demonstrate our independence from these would-be rulers in order to live healthy and free. Christian Science can help.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote,

“Like our nation, Christian Science has its Declaration of Independence. God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love” Science and Health, p. 106.

So, I’m wishing you a Happy Independence Day!

It doesn’t matter if you are a citizen of the United States or not. You have inalienable rights to declare and claim, among which are “self-government, reason, and conscience,” which enable you to live life’s blessings to the fullest.

Enjoy your day!

12 thoughts on “Declare your independence”

  1. A Very Happy Independence Day to you and your family Evan.
    Thanks so much for this lovely inspiration on government. “Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love” I needed this inspiration today and its so helpful.
    A Very Happy Independence day to all my friends who give their lovely comments, which are always so spiritually uplifting and good.

  2. no more bondage, what a great way to keep foremost in mind today, and every day! Thanks for reminding me Evan.

  3. Happy Independence Day to all!

    It’s a bit funny that we are only independent as we obey God, but so true!

    I’m grateful for continually learning more about how to do just that.

    “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!”

    Only in obeying and following God can we truly be free! Independent of the belief of power and reality in matter. God is the only power, the only creator, and all good – and as we align ourselves with Her, we gain that freedom over the claim that matter is real, has power, can help or harm us. That’s real freedom!

  4. Hi Evan:

    Happy Independence Day to you also. Really enjoy all the contributions you humbly make
    for the cause of Christian Science. Outstanding work, always deserving “the peace of God,
    which passeth all understanding,…” Happy trails my friend. benny

  5. Opening thought to the absolute facts, as divine Mind is giving them to us all,

    “God made man free. Paul said, “I was free born.”
    “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

    (Page 227: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy.)

    God made us free. Period. We never left this freedom to enter into a mortal realm.
    That is error’s own lie. We live and move in the divine Mind, God. Always have; always will.


  6. Thanks to Evan and all. Lately I’ve been trying to free my thinking from concern or worry. I’ve been asking myself, “How can I be concerned or worried about anything, when divine Mind knows all, supplies all, and rules over all.” Happy Independence Day to all.

  7. Evan, Thanks for the reminder our freedom is only in God when we let Him govern. Pat thank you for reminding me of the big 5 G’s – Good, good, guides, guards and governs. This is so important. My mom told me of a young man brought up in Science, but he had strayed from its teachings. He was seriously injured in an automobile accident and lay unconscious at the hospital. He talked unintelligibly constantly. A nurse ask his mother what she thought he was saying. She replied he was repeating over and over to himself God, good, guides, guards and governs. With support from a practitioner, he found his healing.

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