God acts proactively

July 5, 2016 | 17 comments

My wife and I had an experience in Paris, France, that opened my eyes further to how God is often ahead of us in planning, and when we are receptive to the angel helpers He sends our way life can go much easier.

We flew into the Paris ORLY airport early one afternoon, which was a first time visit for us, and had to fly out of the de Gaulle airport the next morning, which is 40 miles away. My plan was to take a taxi from one airport to other. No big deal, I thought.

While walking to baggage claim in ORLY, we lost track of the signs and stopped a moment in the corridor to decide which way to go. A very kind business traveler, dressed in a fine suit, and with a big cordial smile, walks on by us and with a wave of his hand points ahead, “This is the way to baggage claim.”

We didn’t ask for any help, but he sensed we needed it. He also spoke perfect English!

We followed him to baggage claim where he starts up a very friendly conversation and quickly learns our plan to get from one airport to the other. He politely let me know that we could get stuck in awful traffic and incur a huge taxi bill on the way. The train is a much better option, he emphasized.

Normally, that would be a fine option, but we didn’t know how to read the French signs, we didn’t know where the trains were, we didn’t know what lines to take. We didn’t know anything about the trains! He detected this and volunteered to show us the way to the train, how to buy tickets, what route to go on, and to escort us part of the way because he was going on the same train we would go on.

I was tempted to think this was a con because he was so nice, and I didn’t want to be naïve. I prayed to God to know if this guy was legit or not, and the voice inside said, “It’s okay. You can learn from him. Take it one step at a time.”

He followed through with every promise. He was incredibly friendly, helpful and instructive. The whole time we were with him, I couldn’t help but think, “God sent this guy to us for a reason, to show us the most efficient way to make this trip and stay out of trouble elsewhere.” And this proved to be the case. Without going into detail, his plan saved a huge amount of time for us, saved a large sum of money, and enabled us to see major sites in Paris that we would have missed entirely if we would have proceeded with my original plan.

I’m convinced that God sent that guy to lead and direct us. He was an angel sent our way.

And this experience revealed to me more than ever that God is proactive. He doesn’t wait for us to get into trouble and then come to our rescue. He keeps us out of trouble by sending angels our way ahead of time (which could be people or ideas or intuitions or other signs) to show us what to do that is best.

We, of course, must be listening and receptive to where these angel helpers take us in order to benefit, lest we miss out. But that is doable and possible!

So, I’m praying to be more receptive and discerning… It sure is easier to stay out of trouble than to work out of trouble later.

In reference to God speaking to us, Isaiah wrote,

“Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right or to the left” Isaiah 30:21, NLT.

17 thoughts on “God acts proactively”

  1. Wonderful Evan, and so incredibly true. I have often come across these angels, and in silence, know these are God moments ~!

  2. Thanks Evan what blessings await us! My husband and I were beautifully taken care of in Chicago airport when our flight was cancelled at very short notice due to bad weather conditions.. An attendant at en empty desk appeared before us and booked us on ‘standby’ for a much later flight and gave us so many helpful instructions on how to proceed. Needless to say we boarded that flight on the only two available seats! I was in awe of God’s care for us.

  3. Thanks Evan for that lovely inspiration. Life is an ECHO – Everything comes back. You bless so many people daily by sending inspiring messages on your blog. These good things that you do come back to you in some way or the other. See God sent you His angel when you were in need.
    I have experienced in my life, that the good things we do always come back to us a 100 fold. But the motive behind doing these good deeds has to be selfless and pure and not with the intention of getting something good in return. Our motives behind doing good things have to be pure and selfless, out of compassion. Then Father will bless the good we do.
    Of course God knows our every need and He sends the angels that we need to guard, guide, bless and show us the way. Just as it was demonstrated in your experience at the airport.
    Deeply grateful for your lovely inspirations, daily enriching us with spiritual wealth.

  4. This is a wonderful story. God in all our daily stuff . I have had experiences where I have needed to remind myself where my consciousness is: fear or the harmony of God? Without fear and asking What’s next? The situation concludes with peace and harmony. I will remember the proactive part. Thank you.

  5. Proactively Life, Truth, Love. Principle, Mind, Soul and Spirit! I LOVE thinking of this! Thanks for this new insight into God’s amazing actions and qualities!

  6. Great Evan! I have experienced getting these angels in airports while traveling in U.S. God is wonderful!!!!! And we always get the chance to meet His/Her ideas in this human picture….
    Thank you!

  7. My husband and I were in Bordeaux and were docked there for three days on a cruise. We wanted to take the train to a nearby town for the day. We found the kiosk area where you can purchase train tickets, and although I speak fairly fluently in French, the process was complicated. Out of nowhere, although we know where this person came from, a woman arrived who was American and had lived in France for 18 Years and she sensed that we were having difficulty. She L proceeded to help us purchase the train tickets told us where to stand & how to do everything, etc. as in your experience. I recognized, too, that she was an angel sent to us from God.
    I love these kinds of experiences!

  8. Behold, I send an angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to lead thee into the place which I have prepared – Exodus 23:20
    One of my favorite Bible verses. How beautifully your experience illustrates it!

  9. Yes! Truth is PRACTICAL!! Not abstract, irrelevant!

    Love you, Evan. Great Comments, SpiritViewFans!


  10. When I was a kid I got a job delivering newspapers. They always gave me a few extra newspapers to use as replacements in case a newspaper got damaged or lost. Almost always there was at least one newspaper left over that I could keep and read. My mom joked that getting a free paper to read each day was a “fringe benefit” of my job. lol

    Some people wonder why Christian Scientists use prayer for healing rather than going to doctors. To me, one answer to that question is that using prayer for healing requires that we gain a clearer understanding of God and that results in feeling closer to God and realizing his harmonious ever presence. That clearer understanding of God provides “fringe benefits” throughout our daily lives like this one Evan described. Keeping our thoughts filled with the goodness and harmony of God just naturally means we will experience more goodness and harmony in unexpected ways.

    Thanks Evan. And thanks to everyone for your comments…today and everyday. Very inspiring!

  11. I want to say this was amazing because that word keeps going around and around in my thinking but we are not to be surprised by the good God has for us. It’s only natural for these things to happen all the time. Still feeling amazing though! 🙂

  12. One day my cat slipped out of the front door and proceeded to play a game of hiding in the bushes in my attempt to catch him. I said aloud, OK, Father, I need some help here, several times. Just then our condo community maintenance man appeared around the corner of a neighboring home asking me what was the matter. He saw what was going on and we two managed to corner the cat so I could pick him up and get into the house. This man was my “angel” sent from God to help!

  13. thank you Evan and all others for sharing your experiences. I rememberd that one day there was a party at the school of my daughter. I went there with my son 2 years old. He suddenly disappeared, the whole school was looking for him for a long time. I was worried and terrified, because the school is surrounded bij a little river. I searched outside the school and before I got in total panik I sat down on a rock and prayed “Nothing can get lossed in the kingdom of God”. Suddenly out of nowhere there came a young boy at the age of 8 he looked at me and said: “Is there something wrong with you because you look worried?” I told him that the whole school is looking for my son and we cannot find him. He said: “I will find him come with me”. You wan’t believe it he guided me straight to the place where my son was hiding. Namely behind a heavy curtain where he felt asleep! ” There he is” said the boy and looked at me with a big smile. He said bye bye and disappeared before I could thank and embrace him. That must have been an angel! Thank you God for always listening and helping. Warm regards

  14. I have always treasured angel moments. I keep a deck of angel cards and love to draw 3 or more to help me focus on certain qualities. My current ones are Joy, Harmony,Grace,and Beauty. Next to the cards is a lovely crystal angel given to me by a dear friend. I know angel thoughts and action are always there for me to guard, guide and protect me at all times They are God’s thoughts passing to man.

  15. God knows our needs before we seek him out in our silent prayer. Often my needs are met when I seek spiritual guidance.

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