Did you have a good year?

January 15, 2013 | 3 comments

At the beginning of a New Year, people often evaluate the past year and decide whether it was a good year, a mediocre year or a bad year.

With the Great Recession not too far behind, it’s been tough for millions of people to find jobs, pay off debt, and make ends meet, not to mention the everyday challenges of staying healthy, keeping out of trouble’s path and enjoying a happy outlook.


If there’s a temptation to inventory all the bad things that happened over the last year and feel down and depressed about it, it’s time to look for all the good things that happened and get thought back up to a positive place.


Our experience follows our thought, so it’s crucial that thought be in a good place today so we end up in a better place tomorrow.


There is always something favorable to be grateful for, even if it’s a small thing such as your car starting when it needed to, or you had enough money to buy groceries for the week, or a neighbor smiled when you walked by.


When we’re grateful for the small items, we’re ready to receive bigger blessings.


So, be grateful!


It will help and heal.


“Are we really grateful for the good already received? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more.”

~Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health, p.3.



3 thoughts on “Did you have a good year?”

  1. Thank you, again, dear Evan, for your important reminder of one of the best TOOLS we have:GRATITUDE!

    When I actively use this tool, the benefits are crystal clear. Even being grateful for very simple things, like a comfortable chair, the cheery lamp. And of course for the very vital ones:
    deep gratitude for LIFE…TRUTH…LOVE!

    Keeps us well-occupied, happy, and healthy, huh!!

    ~ Sue :<)))

  2. Minus that idea of a “BAD YEAR!” out of thought completely. How can any one have a bad year when God is absolutely good. “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM WHO LOVE GOD.” Any so-called bed thing forces one to go to God or better yet, THINK GOD. No matter how you look at it, from a spiritual perspective, it’s been a very, very, very good year.

  3. Thanks again Evan. I am so benefitted reading your daily blogs including previous ones [kinda like miss it on Sat & Sun but divine Love is always present]. Last year for me was a learning opportunity for today’s waking hours to GRATITUDE for every simple and yet very significant blessings as you mentioned. I learned that the only possible way to spiritual abundance in health and so forth is to know the truth about every presentation of error in the human thought. I love what you said “When we’re grateful for the small items, we are ready to receive bigger blessings.”

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