Distance from false beliefs

February 11, 2021 | 19 comments

There has been great stress around the world over the last ten months to distance one’s physical body from other bodies to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The medical community believes viruses are spread through physical contact. However, as Christian Science explains, it’s the mental spread of disease that needs to be guarded against more than anything, for disease is spread through mind, not matter. This explains why many people practice the recommended hygienic rules for safety, but still get the disease.

As Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “Whatever man sees, feels, or in any way takes cognizance of, must be caught through mind; inasmuch as perception, sensation, and consciousness belong to mind and not to matter. … Common consent is contagious, and it makes disease catching” (Misc. Writings, p. 228).

So, if you want to stay safe from disease, distance yourself from any false beliefs about it!

Keep thought away from indulging fears, worries and anxieties about disease. Keep out of consciousness any suggestion that you do not want to live out and manifest.

We are not helpless stooges for whatever belief mortal mind throws our way. We can resist error with spiritual truth, neutralize it, render it harmless, and stay healthy and free. We can mentally stay away from it!

God made man spiritual. We are all spiritual, made in God’s image.

An image of God is not vulnerable to a virus. A virus is as nothing to God’s creation.

To stay healthy, metaphysically distance yourself from all fears about viruses. Mentally live in God’s universe of Love where safety abounds wherever you walk and go. There is no virus to fear in the omnipresence of God.

In a consciousness of spiritual reality, a virus is harmless.

Practice spiritual distancing from all false belief. It’s the kind of distancing that brings real protection from disease.

“We should become more familiar with good than with evil, and guard against false beliefs as watchfully as we bar our doors against the approach of thieves and murderers” (Science and Health, p. 234).

19 thoughts on “Distance from false beliefs”

  1. Thank you Evan for this reminder to guard our thought and watch what we are thinking. Especially like the phrase you stated-“Keep out of consciousness any suggestion that you do not want to live out and manifest.” We can apply this to other aspects of our lives – health, finances, home, work – expecting God’s goodness in every situation, letting God’s love be present. Mrs. Eddy’s quote from Miscellaneous Writings which you shared is much appreciated.

  2. ‘Arise ye people, take your stand
    Cast out your idols from the land.
    Above all doctrine, form or creed
    Is found the Truth that meets your need.
    Christ’s promise stands; they that believe
    His works shall do, His power receive.

    Go forward then, and as ye preach
    So let your works confirm your speech.
    And prove to all will following sign
    The Word of God is Love divine.
    In Love and healing ministry
    Show forth the Truth that makes men free.

    0 Father-Mother God whose plan
    Hath given dominion unto man
    In Thine own image we may see
    Man pure and upright , whole and free
    And ever through our work shall shine
    That light whose glory Lord is Thine!’
    Hymn 12…Violet Hay
    Resist all error, persist in Truth❣️

    1. Thanks for the article Angie, I will read it shortly. Just wanted to say right away that it’s good to see you back commenting and sharing again on SpiritView!

  3. I really appreciate all of your good blog posts on this topic!

    I was just talking to friend (not a Christian Scientist) about this the other day – that it is the fear that not only makes it contagious but also determines the severity of it if you do get diagnosed with it. She agreed and said she had it back in November with the most mild of symptoms, but was never afraid. She was responsible and got tested to know whether to send her daughter to school, but was never afraid.

    The idea of living without fear has been something I have been working with consistently. The first couple of months, March- April of 2020, I’ll admit I was mesmerized somewhat with fear, but I worked diligently to know that no child of God is susceptible to “catching” anything they don’t want to catch. It’s like a baseball or football – if you don’t want to catch it, you get out of the way or you catch it and throw it away. We can do the same with any claim of disease or virus – we can duck/get out of the way of the false beliefs or if they seem to land on thought we can immediately throw them off. We don’t have to suffer or be mesmerized by fear or any other false belief about disease.

    Thanks again, Evan, for all your wonderful blog posts!

  4. So well put Evan!! So very grateful for this support today. And thank you Joanne for your analogy of dodging the ball. Certainly resonates with me! Thanks to Angie too for the wonderful journal article by Brian Webster.

  5. The transmission of disease or of certain idiosyncrasies of mortal mind would be impossible if this great fact of being were learned, — namely, that nothing inharmonious can enter being, for Life is God. (SH 228:3–6)

    “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you”.
    (James 4:8)

    If we don’t distance ourselves from God, but keep close to Him, we don’t need to be afraid, for He will keep us safe “under the shadow of His wings” (Ps. 91)

  6. We are not bodies. With that understanding there doesn’t have to be so much fear of where bodies are, near or far from other bodies. Social distancing takes on a higher meaning of keeping thought far distant (more than 6 ft. lol) from wrong beliefs about the true nature of man and the universe, as God made them.

    But it’s not enough to tell someone, don’t think about mortal beliefs. People can struggle humanly to control thoughts and try to think only positive, but that is still a material, human mind method. Better to turn to God to guide our thought. Learn and study and recognize the safety always present in the atmosphere of love Divine (everywhere). Faulty error thoughts, which are not our own, are neutralized with spiritual truths as Evan said so clearly.

    “In atmosphere of love Divine we Live and Move and Breathe.” -Hymn 144

    1. The full first verse of Hymn 144:
      In atmosphere of love Divine,
      We live and move and breathe;
      Though mortal eyes may see it not,
      ’Tis sense that would deceive.

  7. Thank you Evan for reminding us to keep our thoughts on God. I want to thank Rose for her comment about safety — safety is always present in the atmosphere of Love Divine.

  8. I covered my face mask with “In divine Love we live and move and breathe”, so everyone who sees me reads that.

  9. So happy to have you back Angie! You’ve been missed.
    I had my Bible study today with friends, I was so surprised that several do not get spiritview! I’ve forwarded them today’s blog.
    Evan, thank you, I never miss it!!

    1. My email provider surreptitiously marked Spirit View as “spam” and removed it from my inbox 2 days ago, so I re-marked it “accepted” as not junk and returned the missing ones to my “inbox”. This is the BEST email I receive EVERY SINGLE DAY, it’s pure pouring out of the Scientific Statement of Being:. ” There is NO LIFE TRUTH NOR SUBSTANCE in matte, all is infinite MIND>”

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