Do you identify with the infinite idea

October 6, 2023 | 30 comments

Are you identifying with a self that has infinite possibilities? Or do you feel limited, stuck, and lacking? If the latter, it’s time for a remedy!

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 258). As a child of God, you have unlimited possibilities for good developing throughout your being now and forever. As God’s child, you are not a limited mortal. You are an unlimited immortal. This truth is the “infinite idea” Eddy is talking about, “forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis.”

To experience more of God’s boundless good, identify with God’s infinite idea. Know that you are spiritual, immortal, sourced from infinite Love that constantly supplies you with boundless inspiration, strength, health, and wisdom. Drop finite concepts of man that discourage and distress outlook. Cling to the infinite idea that opens thought to the expansive and progressive goodness of God. You won’t feel limited any longer. You’ll be experiencing more good every day.

30 thoughts on “Do you identify with the infinite idea”

  1. Amazing picture of a boundless view! And such an important message of letting go of limitations and identifying with the infinite idea! Thank you!

  2. “Never born and never dying” (p. 258) is a good description of immortal. We are an eternal, forever bundle of spiritual traits or qualities, all from God, all permanent and the only true composition of our being. Not personality or personal sense, finite and limited, but the always good, always reflection of divine perfection. We are “coexistent” with God. Page 557: (man is) “coexistent with his Creator.” Our infinite potential is not personal, but inherent in our heritage. Thank you God, and thank you Evan.

  3. This beautifully, heavenly message and illustration really Does express the
    unlimitedness of True Spirit.
    It also reminds me of a children’s character, “Where’s Waldo?”… where one
    tries to find Waldo amongst the crowd. Once spotted, you can’t “un-see” it.
    It is like True Love’s expression. <3 It leaves a lasting impression on our heart…
    always with us…surrounding our thought, with an aura of God-likeness.
    I think it is like – what are we looking for in [L]ife? The infinite loveliness
    and perfection of the divine or a limited view of just the material?
    Isn't it like … if we are contented with our spiritual Being, for example, like with
    a loving cat that purrs and shares and reflects our Love (our spiritual Being),
    but outside is mortal mind, little mind (matter) wanting to get in our thinking –
    that is like an aggressive stray cat, whining, disrupting harmony. If we keep
    feeding it (mortal thinking), it will keep coming back. If we leave food (our thinking)
    outside of Spirit, we will attract more and more mortal thoughts. More stray cats-
    (thoughts). We can not have both. Like water and oil, they do not mix. But really
    there is only the One Spirit/Mind/Soul/Life/Truth/Principle/Love = God.
    In this seeming limited mortal existence, there Appears to be (little) minds-many,
    all trying to get into thought, trying to tell us what to do, "influencing erroneously",
    but the One Mind of God's direction is all there really is.
    What an expanse of a beautiful universe is that! Awesome!

    1. Great analogies that highlight the importance of the direction we’re given in the Bible to pray without ceasing!±Geri

  4. Sometimes I wonder how error/matter/material “existence” can possibly appear so real to so many of us, so often. It is UNREAL, a fraud, a pack of lies, and we know this, yet it seems to get the better of us all too often. Our true God nature is always true, so I believe we all have a deep down knowingness and sense of this nature and everything people do is some kind of searching/yearning for what seems to be missing (our joy in and connection to God, that bliss that is our being). People go looking for it in many places, sometimes all the wrong places,

    Thank goodness our spiritual studies and prayers and many resources in CS are available to keep us on the true path. Yet I still wonder how we can so often seem to forget our actual True Nature. Any thoughts?

    1. A very good question, Rose. It certainly Does seem that mortal mind is constantly
      before us holding trinkets of shiny objects before us to “Look over here, Look over
      there”, instead of to our “True Nature”. It is the simple things are really important in
      life. With appreciating Nature’s blessings, it beomes easier to not have to undo the
      thinking of accumulating or being happy with material “things” or so-called worldly
      Also trying to combat physical challenges early on in life can lead to turn to the
      spiritual for thought-comfort, when it seems all around us, mortal mind is trying to
      tell us otherwise.
      An example I coul use is what was experienced in the past. The tv as on all the time,
      when we were not at work. It was almost like a “god” and to keep the peace, trying to
      escape to outside or another room to read, be quiet, be spiritual and wanting to block
      out all of the “noise” it put forth and was all that was available to do at the time, before
      being able to be online… Today with big screen tvs, it Can even more so, almost
      screaming at us with mortal thoughts of how things Should be, with “perfect” models
      in the news, weather forecasts, advertisements, etc. – what we as mortals supposedly
      Should look like or be … many mortal thoughts posing as realities…this “material” world,
      that all around is what we can see, hear, taste, smell or touch and anything other than
      that is “un-real”. CS teaches us just the opposite so it Can be very confusing and Appear
      so real, after being indoctrinated with it all of our lives and held before us the way things
      we are told – are and should be.
      Just my interpretation. Would love to hear others.

      1. Thank you for your thoughts Carol. Interesting that you mentioned TV watching. I have been relying on it too much and the other day decided I will give myself a break from it for at least a few weeks, hopefully longer. I will only watch one or two programs that I thoughtfully choose ahead of time, like The Waltons, which is very wholesome, promoting the importance of love, family values, nature, simple things and I learn about what life was like in the 1930’s during the economic Depression and leading into WWII. Also mute all commercials. The extra time I will gain from less TV I’d like to spend on more spiritual pursuits.

        1. Lovely Rose. I don’t miss tv a bit and online, I mute all
          commercials, too. I love the peace and quiet that I missed
          before and yes, the spiritual pursuits are admirable and noble
          gains. The longer nights lend themselves to more of that. I
          can hear angels whispering more now, which calm the soul,
          like a flurry of winter snowflakes gently falling or the
          constellations of Pegasus or Orion lighting the night sky. There
          is so much in Nature that is often missed by our limited
          perspective, but is still, always there. : )

          1. PS. Just took a peek at The Waltons to get a feel for what
            it was like. It looks like it was a wonderfully wholesome
            show. (Never having the remote, never afforded the
            choice of watching, while channel-surfing shows sped by) –
            most of it – sitcoms, gameshows, msnews – passed the
            time and like mortal mind, drifted into what is now a blur,
            but did not promote growth in spirituality . During those
            years, although CS was very much the basis of thought,
            I plateaued, treaded water, but really did not Grow in
            thinking spiritually. With inspiring like minded thinking
            Here and metaphysicaly learning, I am loving more
            and more – appreciating the deep peace and gentle
            blessings of the joyous flock that brings these peaceful
            wishes of faith back home to God’s dear Love, where
            Truly it has always been, but just appeared to be
            stagnant, until reawakened with such spiritual vision.

    2. Hi Rose, you are very right that we can be endless grateful that we have all the sources in CS with which we can study and pray. And as the all-knowing, everpresent God is that wonderful metaphysical source we can surely know that we never can forget it as God is our conciousness and our real knowing!♡

      1. Uta you are so right, we can only seem to forget our True Nature, never really forget.

        My original thought was how can we forget or seem to forget what we are, it should be the simplest, most natural thing in the world, not a difficulty, to remember/recognize what we ARE. But I see that even my question has error in it because it is in fact error trying to tell me it’s hard to remember our Nature, and trying to convince me that I believe this.

        1. Thank you Rose!
          And relating to your reply to Carol up here. I am in the same situation than you regarding TV watching. BTW years ago Germany also had the Waltons in its program. And I watched it with pleasure and interest, as well.

      1. William E., what a wonderful article, thank you so much for sharing it! 🙂
        (p.s. Just an fyi that I learned not long ago…if the article has “Share” on the left-hand side, Under Table of Contents, the article can be viewed by everyone. If it doesn’t show “Share”, it only shows a couple of paragraphs, as they want you to subscribe to finish reading it.)

        “What is real?” A former farmer shares insights. by James Shepherd:

        1. Thank you J and William E. for the articles shared. In rereading them,
          they are so very helpful in trying to uplift thought, especially with
          all of the seeming troubles with the economy, peace, disruptions
          of so many issues that are seemingly taking place in the world today.
          One passage in particular is very helpful at this moment, where
          depression would try to win … “Daily and hourly we refuse to
          hearken to the suggestions of mortal mind and turn humbly to listen
          to the voice of God.” God’s angel messages are so needed, so Thank
          you again for enlightening with these helpful inspirations.

  5. Thank you Evan and all. This is a need. I understand that we need to give up “self” in order to identify with the divine.

    1. Thank you Grace.
      From the article below: “True humility consists in leaning completely on God; it is the surrender of all desire to follow any path but that which divine Love points out. It means to lose all sense of personal responsibility and to realize that all strength, ability, capacity, intelligence is in God alone; it is to have the simple trust of a child, the receptive state of thought which Jesus said was necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven.”:
      “Humility” by Arthur H. Little:,enter%20the%20kingdom%20of%20heaven.

  6. What a glorious photo of the universe! Thank you, Evan. Rose, thank you for your comments. Yes, we do have all the resources at our fingertips, but it occurs to me that “mortal mind” does seem very persistent in the attempt to break down/invade our ongoing spiritual sense. So we do need to protect and defend our consciousness, which is truly spiritual and perfect at all times regardless of mortal mind’s ongoing attempts to invade it! Best, Karen

  7. Evan, MBE’s quote has a special meaning for me. When I turned my life from being homeless and came back to the church where I attended Sunday School. I wrote this quote on my tool box. That idea now 40 years later is exactly what took place in my life. To say that I’ve been totally support by the God’s divine idea infinitely broadening and expanding itself would be a huge understatement. I’ve been blessed over and over again beyond my wildest imagination with kindness, family, church community and much much more.

    1. Josef thank you for sharing that moving experience, I am so happy to hear how turning back to CS impacted your life. Have you every written this up as a testimony for the publications, Daily Lift or TMC Online Wednesday testimony meeting? If not I hope you will consider it. All the best.

  8. May be it’s time for a remedy for me. But the remedy is always there, even if there is a situation I experienced this morning. A neighbor came in to me and told me the whole story of error her husband is going through. Several times I thought quietly “no that is a lie”. And one moment I pictured that God is present with us. But nevertheless afterwords when my neighbor left I sat still for a while as I had to correct the error which was uttered.
    Therefore I am highly happy and thankful for today’s very helpful SpiritView, dear Evan. Thank you very much for the wonderful passage from SH p. 258, showing me the unlimited possibilities for good as God’s loved child, developing throughout my being now and forever! Such a glorious and infinite divine outlook into God’s eternal orbit this foto shows us totally under God’s deeply loving control! Tank you Evan and thank you all for your loving and helpful inspirations! And I am deeply grateful to God leading me and us all higher and higher from a boundless Basis every day!♡

  9. Reaching out for God ..whatever is the material picture …
    Psalm 46 v10…’ Be Still and Know that I AM God.’
    Man is GOD BEING…
    Not nearly there, not just there..
    Life and all its immortal wonders…BEING..
    Thank you Evan for giving us all encouragement and focus on what is true everyday. Grateful❣️

  10. From Evan’s wonderful quote above, “Know that you are spiritual, immortal,
    sourced from infinite Love that constantly supplies you with boundless inspiration,
    strength, health, and wisdom” ..
    Looking now at the dogs who radiate such Un-conditional Love to each other and
    to me with such boundless energy and expression, with peaceful delight…
    Often though, the little one will be by me absorbing love and the other will come
    over to try to push him out of the way to vie for the attention. Isn’t that a bit like
    mortal mind.. trying to encroach into our thoughts – trying to push aside, limit our
    ability to see the Truth of our Being?
    Realizing God’s Love is not limited, like the dogs who love each other regardless,
    when realizing there is enough Love to go around, mortal mind slips away into it’s
    native nothingness. Another example… like a dog and cat I’ve had, where the cat
    would be peacefully sitting on the arm of the recliner, contently, and the dog would
    come over, somehow put her nose gently under the cat and flip her off
    the chair to get attention. LOL Of course, that action was not encouraged and the
    cat was very patient and returned to her loving spot, with an undeterred [c]attitude
    that no one could take away her rightful place or harmony.
    God’s Love for us abounds, just like evergreens withstand the elements of cold or
    anything that would deter their strength to weather the storms of mortal mind’s
    trying afflictions. Heaven’s vision is within us.

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