A prayer goal

October 9, 2023 | 27 comments

One goal of healing prayer is to see what God sees.

You might ask, “What does God see in me?”

God doesn’t see a mortal with shortcomings, pain, and disease. God sees an immortal with gifts, talents, health and peace.

See what God sees, and any sense of coming up short disappears.

27 thoughts on “A prayer goal”

  1. Humanly we are encouraged to see another’s condition from their perspective, as a function of empathy, an attempt to foster compassion. In Christian Science, it seems that the most compassionate gesture for ourselves is to lift thought to the angle of vision that God has for His creation. Love, joy, wholeness, unity and unlimited good are all He made, all He sees, all He (Mind) knows. I’ll trade my whining and complaints and sense of self for that every day. Beautiful vista out the window, Evan–peaceful; easy to see good–an appropriate symbol.

    1. William thanks for, “I’ll trade my whining, complaints and sense of self for that [the God view] every day.” Me too, Amen to that!

  2. I love the refreshment of this beautiful message and scene, Evan.
    Thank you! Everything precious is what God sees. His sources
    spring forth like an overflowing river that gives drink to a parched
    land, like a rainbow after the storm, always watching over us
    with such a Spirit of loveliness, lightening our way with the warmth
    of the sun. Even despite the shadows, God’s presence is with us,
    highlighting our day.
    “…we see God’s mercy Wide-spread in every place
    And know how flows the fountain (or in this lovely photo…mountain)
    Of His unbounded grace”.

      1. Oh, yes, Rose, I meant to include from Hymn 249. Actually it kind of
        goes along with what William E. had written, (which wasn’t there when
        I was typing). i.e. “Our gratitude is riches, Complaint is poverty”.
        Now I am off to buy groceries,
        without complaint for the
        high prices…
        that seem lurking to devour our sense of peaceful abundance.
        : )

      2. Yes, it is from a hymn, #249
        O, when we see God’s mercy / Widespread in every place / And know how flows the fountain / Of His unbounded grace, / Can we withhold a tribute, / Forbear a psalm to raise, / Or leave unsung one blessing, / In this our hymn of praise?
        (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 249:1)

  3. Thank you Evan and all. Our effort in this study is to see only what God sees and thus breath His holy air. Hymn 4 gives a clear message on this.
    Hymn 4
    A holy air is breathing round,
    A fragrance from above:
    Be every thought from sense unbound,
    Be every action love.

    O God unite us heart to heart,
    In sympathy divine,
    That we Be never drawn apart,
    To love not thee nor thine.

    But by the life of Jesus taught,
    And all his gracious word,
    Be nearer to each other brought,
    And nearer Thee, O Lord.

    1. Thanks to Evan, and Grace, and Everyone.
      Happy Thanksgiving Day, and All Year! For Ever!
      Thanks to God for
      Being God, and we are all Yours. Every One, Evcerywhere!


  4. Evan thank you for that photo up top today. When I saw it I couldn’t resist stretching it out to fit my full screen and imagine how I’d feel if that gorgeous expanse was the actual view from my window. I thought, that would sure make it easy to remember spiritual Truth.. But that is a limiting thought implying that when I don’t have a beautiful view to look at, I can forget or lose touch with Truth.. Nature is a great reminder of what is actually true no matter where we are. It represents beauty, joy, vitality, love, inspiration, peace, divine order etc. which are always ours in God. We can’t actually lose these things, say, when we come home from a beautiful vacation to our more mundane surroundings or even if the view out our window is of a brick wall. It’s all in consciousness. But it sure is nice to have those beautiful reminders!

    1. I am reminded of two things from what you mentioned, Rose. The first was a dear
      friend, Adele, who has passed, but before the autumn of her life, right before the end, had
      written a note saying to look up both, to hear and see in the trees…and in the wind, the whispering angels high above, and where thoughts of the mundane become the heavenly. Heavenly thoughts are always present now. My neighbor told me there was a rainbow.
      I didn’t see it, disappointedly, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.
      Also…it helps for me to remember when things going on in the world seem so frightening
      at times, with so many things that are not right… there is an inspiring story about two
      elderly men in a hospital where the one always told the other all of the wonderful things
      he was seeing outside the window, where the other could not see from where he was.
      His friend described the scenery, flowers, trees, the passers-by, one time even described
      in great detail a parade, joyous and festive. His roommate relied on his inspiration and it
      gave him hope and contentment. One day the window-man passed on and the other told
      the nurse he would miss his elaborate descriptions of what was told to him and could he
      be moved to the window. Upon looking out the window, himself, he realized there was
      just a blank wall there. All of that time his friend was inspiring him with hope and love, but
      they were all in Thought (in Mind, Spiritual, as it were).
      The inspirations of hope and love expressed here is immeasurable to me, also, and I thank
      you all so much. It means so much.

      1. I meant “end”, not meaning the end, but her passing on to a realm which is
        not visible to our mortal seeming view. Just wanted to clarify

    1. The article you selected “Truth’s Clear Vision” fits with a challenge I’ve faced, with limited sight. Worked daily, minute by minute with a practitioner. The article which you shared continues to contributing thoughts of healing to my vision, from limited to unlimited, from damaged to whole, as well as to perfect, created by God, never dimmed, lost, or stolen. With deep gratitude to you ‘J’.

      1. Dear chilesands, I’m so glad you found the article helpful. xo

        Sometime this year, I believe, a comment was made by someone referring to hearing loss. Someone replied by saying they had had a healing with their vision, working with this:
        “MIND is seeing. MIND sees. No me, no my. MIND sees. MIND is seeing. MIND sees. Not me. Only MIND is.”
        Thought this was so powerful I wrote it down.

  5. Thanks Evan for beautiful explanation of ” seeing what God sees” & also sharing magnificent view in pic at the top

  6. Today’s View and many comments have provided much reassurance in my thinking about my dear brother Dave’s struggle with dementia. This helps reinforce my rejection of prevalent views, reminding me that God never has changed from seeing Dave as a brilliant engineer and leader, athletically nimble and devoted husband and father and that this is the view I must adhere to.

  7. Thanks, J, for the link to the article. One thing that stood out to me was “Unless we are making a reasonable job of healing ourselves, though, it’s not likely our wider-ranging treatment will be effective.” This seems opposite to all I’ve ever read or heard.
    Does anyone have an idea to share?
    Maybe even Evan?

  8. Thanks a lot, dear Evan for this question!
    Actually we learn already in Sundayschool that God created us as His image and likeness, i.e. very good with many wonderful qualities God gave us to express.
    But I believe that through more honest prayer and divine inspiration we can be aware and see much clearer our perfect divine individuality how God made us and sees us. I am very thankful to God teaching us the truth, leading us to God’s heaven within us!!

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