Dominion over eating habits

December 20, 2016 | 11 comments

Here’s a link to an article published in my local newspaper this week that I wrote.

“Exercise spiritual dominion over eating habits—even during holidays”

11 thoughts on “Dominion over eating habits”

  1. Thank you Evan, I appreciate the thoughts on dominion. I have a question, though. Isn’t “eat less and exercise more” material based? Why can’t we enjoy the abundance and generosity expressed in the offerings at Christmas without the weight of worrying about the effect on a material body? As long as we don’t make food an addiction (another god), shouldn’t we be able to eat and enjoy without consequences? I appreciate you thoughts on this matter (no pun intended).

    1. Hi Anita,

      The true abundance and generosity surrounding Christmas celebrations is all spiritual–the love, the joy, the caring and sharing. You certainly can indulge in these without limit and experience only a very good effect!

      It’s all about motive. If one’s motive is to indulge sensually, the consequences could be quite negative if overdone. If the motive is to reflect love and honor other’s people’s reflection of love, the effect is going to be very good.

      Exercise your spiritual dominion, and you’ll always be in a good place.

    1. You have to click on the blue writing that says: “Exercise spiritual dominion over eating habits—even during holidays”. That is the link.

  2. Thanks, Evan! I think, in absolute Christian Science, food ultimately has no power over us, as matter is a mortal concept. It’s Thought that is Power! But, although Jesus and Mary Baker Eddy may have been able to demonstrate this perfectly, most of us still need to use wisdom and balance in choosing what we put in our mouths. And wisdom and balance are definitely qualities of thought that we reflect from God.

  3. Thank you Evan. I appreciate this blog posting and others in the past on the topic of dominion over eating habits. I’ve come to the conclusion that most people that over eat are using food in an attempt to forget about some emotional issue they are struggling with (something they feel is missing in their life). Your article does a great job of pointing out that entertaining the Christ (the true idea of God and man) in consciousness can heal those issues that lead to over eating. Nothing provides more joy than a closer “relationship” with our true identity!

  4. your advice of choosing spiritual mindedness over overindulgence sounds do-able in the moment. I like how calorie numbers or healthy foods or certain ways to go about eating are not brought up………. really they have no place in spiritual mindedness! thank you Evan!

  5. Thank you Evan for your todays blog. And thank you for the answer, you gave to Anita. In some way it may seem as if Anita is quite right. But from the viewpoint of Christian Science we have dominion over food. And the bible says I. Corinthians 10: 31: “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” And also the Bible says, that we shall look first to the things of God and everything else shall be given unto us. I think these both texts say enough. And anyhow is Christmas a special holy celebration of the coming of the Christ – it is the festivity of Love and not a feast.

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