Don’t let medicine siderail your practice of Christian Science

July 2, 2019 | 51 comments

Occasionally, I have people ask me if they can still practice Christian Science even though they are taking medicine? They usually want to get off their medicine, but hadn’t seen how to yet.

I answer, “Of course!” You can always put the teachings of Christian Science into practice no matter what type of situation you face. The laws of God supersede all material beliefs, and are always available to anyone, anywhere, anytime, to put into practice and to find spiritual freedom from any problem they face.

If you end up in the emergency room, a hospital, or a doctor’s office, those are the times you need Christian Science more than ever. A doctor may bring temporary relief, but spiritual truth is what brings permanent and eternal healing.

It is true that the administration of drugs is an opposite approach to healing than Christian Science takes. But that does not mean that a person mired in medical belief can’t find their way out through a successful practice of Christian Science.

Christian Science is the law of God. It explains how God governs man, where health comes from, and how to demonstrate health in the human experience. These laws are like the laws of math. They always work, they are always true, they always produce a good effect when practiced, and anyone can practice them at any time.

So, never let your practice of Christian Science get sidelined. The laws of God always apply and always bring benefit. As faith moves from matter to Spirit, spiritual healing happens. And Christian Science will get you there the fastest.

51 thoughts on “Don’t let medicine siderail your practice of Christian Science”

  1. Lovely! Thank you for explaining this so clearly.

    We all rely on matter to some degree – after all, we eat and breathe, right? Many Christian Scientists rely on a prescription for eyeglasses, for example. I read a testimony from a teacher in Africa that included overcoming the need for lip balm – wow! That’s awesome.

    But as you say so eloquently, Christian Science is the laws of God, period: always there, always useable – like gravity.

    God loves us infinitely. S/He does not see us taking medicine. S(He sees us as Her perfect, beloved creation, all the time – for that’s what we are and always will be, no matter what. As we continue to grow in our understanding of our birthright, material means fall away naturally.

    1. I think of “matter” as a state of thought rather than a thing..
      So if someone were to need temporary means “medicine” it would not have to change their main goal and that is to keep their own thought clear.

      1. At one point Mrs. Eddy began the Scientific Statement of Being, “There is no matter.” So right!

      2. I think of matter as a short-sighted view of Spirit. The further we look, like way past matter, which is the finite, to the infinite, which is Spirit, the better the view gets!

    2. I just wanted to add – I KNOW true healing comes with Christian Science. I wouldn’t have come back to it, and I wouldn’t stick with it, if I didn’t know that for sure. I think that’s true for all (or certainly most) who practice it! Animal magnetism tries to divide based on judging where we each are in our spiritual growth (and we’re all working on something). And, The Mother Church does not dictate to members what to do in regards to health care.

    3. A person’s faith is theirs. To challenge it is innapropriate in everyway. For Christian Science, you have to beleive and give yourself to God. You cannot just say, “Hey, I am a Christian Scientist”! To give yourself to God completely and understand that he made you in his image, that is image of the boy AND the Mind or soul. The world could use a lot more God right now. It has deviated so far from his teachings that it is being twisted and turned to the point of oblivion. God did not make evil, God did not make disease, but what he did make is Us. He made us perfect and only simple things. Trust in God and pass on his word. Believe in him and allow him into your life. Then you will be truly saved.

  2. C S meets us, where we are, and takes us, all the way.
    I can only demonstrate what I understand MBE’s hymn, Shepherd show me how to go…says it all
    Thank U, Evan & Ellen. Each day I am cared for & watched over it’s all about God. It’s all about God. It’ all about God!!!

  3. Thank you. I work in a hospital . On occasion, A Christian Scientist will come in and feel a sense of fear or failure for seeking medical attention. There is no duality ! I am glad to tell my CS friend ” God’s here too ! And I will know the Truth for you ! ” I like to think that Spirit planted me there to ease that burden. As my son had a cardiac arrest and he was defibrililated , I prayed loudly and boldly ” God’s perfect idea has not a single element of error ! “And ” God is your life ! ” ( The medical staff said he died ) As I prayed , I then heard his voice say to the staff ” Hey ! Did you just Zap me ? ” . The nurse replied Yes, we did ! We should all be so lucky to have a praying mama !”

    1. WOW Are you ever in the right job! I know you must be so appreciated but not only by Christian Scientists but by all the other people who I am sure you must be knowing the Truth about too.

    2. Yes, we need to be bold and sometimes loud. When we are vehement things happen! ❤️ Bless you and thanks for sharing your wonderful experience. (=

  4. AMEN!!! Thanks for supporting and sharing this most important message today, we need it and the world needs to hear it also. Thank you, thank you!

  5. Special thanks from me today. Exactly the message I needed to hear. I am so very grateful for your blog. Never miss it!

  6. God guides it all so you are right you need CS even more when you are going to a hospital. God does not end at the emergency room door or at the veterinarian door,

  7. Thank you. Ive always believed that God is everywhere all the time in every situation. So, no matter where we are or what the need Gods laws are in operation. Thank you. Thank you.

  8. Oh, Evan You will never know how much your blog today touched my heart. I am a lifelong christian scientist however lately I’ve had to supplement my understanding with medicine. I resisted strongly but now I feel that my daughter resents C.S. because I tried to let go of the use of a blood pressure med in order to read one Wednesday night (with a practitioner’s help) and seemed to suffer a stoke as I began to read. I felt so let down and alone. My teacher has passed and my practitioner let me down(my concept) and I felt completely out in Left field–so alone. Now, I have found peace Thank you again.

    1. Bless you! You are so precious. Guilt is a major way error gets us. It’s a two-edged sword: the claim of failure (of self and of CS) and the claim that using “temporary means” means you can’t use CS too (damned if you do, damned if you don’t). Everyone must make their own choices, without fear of condemnation from others. We need to support each other not condemn each other! The culture of judgement has wreaked havoc with CS and driven many people away. Love should always be the basis.

    1. Like ANYTHING else we “lean on” in this experience (Glasses, dentist, Food, clothing . . .) that helps out the material condition as we strive for spirituality – is the right thing to do. It’s not what you OBSTAIN from that leads to you’re spiritual growth, it’s what you learn and demonstrate. Everything comes from the same MIND.

  9. Thank you so much, Evan! I had a CS Practitioner several years ago who believed the same thing. When my brother called her for help and said he was going to the Hospital to remove a spot on his Lungs, she still agreed to pray for him. When I questioned her about this, she said: “What difference does it make……the Laws of God work under ALL circumstances.” My brother came thru with flying colors! We need a whole lot more C.S. Practitioners like this! Time for the C.S. Church and Religion to let go of some “Old Wives Tales” about how to practice Christian Science. A lot of things that are Taught really aren’t what Mrs. Eddy said. It’s what the “C.S. Culture” has done with her Teachings!

    1. Yes we are Learning to know him/her as divine Principle, Love. Nurturing, encouraging us to put into practice what we know about Christian science, which brings what is needed to the situation at hand. The less judgmental we are of others the better we can know the Truth. You are all so very precious to me for sharing today. It made a huge difference in my thought.

  10. Mrs. Eddy taught that arts like architecture and music can give a sense of the Spirit. I think medicine is a similar art. I can see the spiritual idea of skill and intelligence in a surgeon’s hands; compassion in a nurse’s touch; discernment in a doctor’s diagnosis. In the same way that the physical reality of the Mother Church can lift our understanding to God’s beauty and harmony, so can a hospital lift our understanding to God’s everpresent healing power. I can look at the staff, the equipment, and even the pills and say, “I love you for your promise!”

    I hope one day to have direct access to the healing power these material signs represent, but while I am still growing, I use them with gratitude as aids to my present level of understanding. Medicine is like the hem of Jesus’ cloak or a napkin touched by Paul–they are means by which spiritual truth is translated to human thought.

    1. I appreciate your thoughts and can’t help but remember that you do have direct access to the healing power of Christ. Here and now!

      Mrs. Eddy wrote about Jesus’ hem: “The age seems ready to approach this subject, to ponder somewhat the supremacy of Spirit, and at least to touch the hem of Truth’s garment.” (SH 170:24). The hem of Jesus’ garment is glimpses into spiritual reality you happen to gain. It’s the pure power of Spirit at work on your behalf, and they heal us physically. Keep reaching out for those glimpses and they will come! Much love to you.

      1. Thanks! I’m beginning to have a “spiritual sense” of the reality beyond my five senses, especially when it comes to medicine. I know that it’s all an expression of God’s healing truth, and one day, I won’t need it. I like how Mrs. Eddy uses homeopathy as an image. It will become less and less potent until there’s nothing there but water, and then I’ll be able to let it go.

  11. Yes, Evan, thank you for this. So needed. And I have always realized we can continue with our growth in CS …and see healing. But I do feel that having a listed CS pract work for you isn’t acceptable as we are told when calling one. There are a few who do, though. Exceptions. Could you address that sometime?

    1. As far as I know there ARE C.S. Practitioners who WILL work for you, even if you are under a Doctor’s Care, in the Hospital, or using Medication. There are different types of C.S. Practitioners, each is free to Practice as they see fit……at least that has been my experience! There doesn’t seem to be a “One Rule Fits All” Rule Book for C.S. Practitioners. So, while some C.S. Teachers/Practitioners would say, “Never use Medicine or go to the Doctor”, others are more compassionate and lenient and are able to work with you even if you are taking advantage of some Medical help. (Like Evan!) I had a C.S. Teacher agree to work for me, after I told her I was going to have Ear Surgery. It all worked out, before, during and after the Surgery! Some Teachers are very strict and won’t let you take Class from them if you are using one tiny bit of Medication. The C.S. Teacher I went thru Class with even let me come to Class while I was still smoking cigarettes – as long as I didn’t smoke during Class! It seems to me that C.S. Teachers and Practitioners are pretty much left to make these kinds of decisions on their own and the Mother Church doesn’t interfere.

      1. I love the way you put this, Bevi! My mother was a lifelong Christian Scientist, but she stopped going to church because they told her she couldn’t smoke. They also got mad at her for voting for Kennedy! A Catholic! I’m glad the church is maturing. 🙂

    2. Hi Kathy,

      A CS practitioner can help a patient in many different ways. The practitioner needs to use wisdom in what will best help their patient under whatever circumstances the patient is facing.

      For instance, if a patient is requesting, and receiving medical treatment, the practitioner would not give treatment for that issue, for CS treatment is an opposite approach to medical treatment. And the patient’s thought will be loyal to one approach. However, if the patient really wants to work their problem out spiritually, (and likely doesn’t really want to be taking medical steps, but feels under duress to so so) and hasn’t seen how to work their problem out completely in Spirit yet, and asks the practitioner for support to work in that direction, the practitioner can easily give that patient moral and spiritual support to strengthen their faith in Spirit and get their thought headed in a direction that allows them to find spiritual healing. It may be step by step, but that’s okay. “Emerge gently…” Mrs. Eddy counsels her readers.

      Love has infinite patience. It’s all about meeting a patient where they are, and then looking for helpful means to take them to a better place. Love finds a way.

  12. Great timely and helpful blog today, Evan. And, thanks to all for sharing your thoughts!

  13. Am so grateful for today`s SpiritView with so much clarifying comments. Thank you Evan for your loving and clarifying explanations. During decades there happened several changes in my thinking about what practitioners should do or should not do. I am sure a good practitioner is always listening to God`s inspirations, and I am very grateful for the loving, healing work they do!
    Evan, your today`s SpiritView is so very understandable and comforting and helpful, thanks a lot for it!

  14. I just wanted to add my appreciation for today’s post and comments. It is a subject that I feel MUST be addressed directly — with love and compassion — rather than ignored. So, thank you to all!

  15. Thanks to you, Evan, as well as to all who have posted their thoughts. God is loving and leading all of us on our way.

  16. Again, my gratitude & thanks to all who asked questions & gave answers. This discussion was very enlightening and helpful in handling thought about circumstances that arise. I visit your blog each day, Evan, and feel nourished by your offerings. My teacher has passed and your blogs are a “starter” for each day. Love, Love, Love.

  17. I love that Mrs. Eddy states that if a patient fails to receive help from the Christian Scientists , that God will guide him to the right use of temporary and eternal means. To me this means that we can know God is still there guiding us as we seek to awaken from the false sense of sickness, accident, disease. Even if we feel we need to go with a material or medical answer- temporarily. when dealing with veterinarians I often pray that all they can see is the Truth and harmony that is really there. Often, this has resulted in a good prognosis, which lessens fear and brings about quick healing. Also, in emergency room situations with non- CS family members I pray that all that is going on is the Truth of that persons perfection. The wait- time is perfect for praying diligently. The doctors and nurses reflect the Love, compassion, intelligence and inspiration of God too- they can be guided to see what’s truly going on- which is always the perfection of God. We can also be guided to the right temporary physician – one that is instilling a positive outcome and confidence for a good recovery. Their thought can greatly influence the case . We are demonstrating what we understand. But CS is simple enough for a child to understand – trusting in God leads us to complete freedom! But sometimes temporary means are needed and they can quiet the fear while we continue to learn and grow and finally awake to our present health and perfection.

  18. “Your joy no man taketh from you.” (John 16:22). The Christ meets thought where it finds it and lifts it higher.

  19. Important discussion ! Self condemnation and judgement is not in alignment with the flood tides of Love that is needed to properly transmit the healing Truth to be poured in and God is not separate from the wisdom He bestows. Then as now We know as Jesus did some need to see the sign and wonder first in order to believe. Jesus did not come to judge.

    Thank you Evan for this wonderful grace of a loving kindness to share with all who are in need of this comfort and knowing, this harmonizing and practical “how to” , needed in the trenches.

  20. THIS DAY

    ” Thou art My Son,” God says,
    “this day have I begotten thee.”

    So here am I,
    “this day” — moment by moment — freshly
    come from God;
    never let go, but held
    in consciousness of Mind — Its own idea.
    There’s no room here for separate will or way;
    no occurrence of otherness.
    Where, in this day of Mind’s unfolding Good
    are men of mortal birth, presumption, trial ?
    Can there be anything apart from God —
    His being and His doing, now, as me.
    I am this-day-begotten, Spirit-born !

    CSJ [no date]

  21. Wow, thanks Evan and all Spiritview contributors, this is so inspiring, as we share ideas, our Day grows brighter for all to see the Presence of Perfect Man. Thanks Barbara for the perfect pick of Day delivered as poetry in motion. I am seeing Love in action fulfilling the well being and welfare of humanity is on God’s Shoulder and each right idea is reflected for meeting every need. A beautiful God and His Reflection is here, now and forever seen.

  22. That is a very notable record, going 80 years, working out his issues with prayer and Christian Science. Something to be very grateful for.

    Truth always has a healing effect, but as you’ve observed, understanding and discerning the truth that meets the specific need can be very demanding of us at times.

    Prayer always has a positive effect. Leaning on God always has a positive impact, even when times continue to feel tough.

    I’m sure your husband is an intelligent man who is pursuing what he believes the best options before him for what he is dealing with. Love to you both.

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